The 21st Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT21)
Japanese Page
Scope of the Symposium: This symposium is on quantum information
science, which is a new interdisciplinary area of information science and
quantum mechanics.
Presentations can be given in English as well as in Japanese.
- Date: November 4-5, 2009
- Venue:Auditorium, The University of Electro-Communications
- Expected number of participants:200
- Early registration fee (banquet excluded) : 5000 yen (Student 2000 yen)
- Banquet fee: 4500 yen (Student: 3000 yen)
- Payment should be made by bank transfer by Oct. 21, 2009.
- On-site cash payment:
- Registration fee: 6000 yen (Student 3000 yen)
- Banquet fee: 5000 yen (Student: 3500 yen)
- Invited Talks:
- Nobuyasu Shiga (PRESTO-JST, NICT) "Dynamical decoupling schemes in an ion trap"
- Hiroshi Nagaoka (The University of Electro-Communications) "On a mathematical "water vein" streaming under quantum information theory"
- Harumichi NishimuraiOsaka Prefecture Universityj"Classical and Quantum communication complexities"
- Tutorial Talk:
- Takuro Iizuka (Fixstars Corporation) "GPGPU simulations of quantum computations -- from basics towards applications"
- Topics: (Submissions may be refereed according to the number of applications.)
- quantum computation
- quantum algorithm
- quantum computation models
- quantum complexity theory
- quantum programming language
- geometric quantum computing
- quantum computing devices
- optical quantum computing
- solid state quantum computing
- NMR quantum computing
- cold atom/ion quantum computing
- quantum information
- quantum cryptography
- quantum communication
- quantum estimation
- quantum measurement
- uncertainty
- quantum tomography
- completely positive maps
- quantum error correction
- decoherence
- quantum noise
- quantum coding theory
- fault-tolerant quantum computing
- quantum entanglement
- entanglement theory
- entanglement manipulation
- quantum teleportation
- non-locality
- contextuality
- quantum optics
- single photon generation
- entanglement production
- photon state control
- photon detection
- condensed matter physics
- relativistic quantum information theory
- Deadlines:
Sep. 10 (Thu.), 2009 for oral presentation
Oct. 1 (Thu.), 2009 for poster presentation
Oct. 14 (Wed.), 2009 for manuscript submission
Oct. 18 (Sun.), 2009 for Web registration
Oct. 21 (Wed.), 2009 for bank transfer Closed. On-site registration is avairable.
- For further information, please contact ORGANIZING COMMITTEE(E-mail: ):
- Tetsuro Nishino (Univ. of Electro-Communications)
- Yoko Miyamoto (Univ. of Electro-Communications)
- Takashi Mihara (Toyo Univ.)
- Sponsored by Quantum Information Technology Committee (The Institute of
Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers)
Chairman: Masahide Sasaki (NICT)
- Cosponsored by Professional Group of Quantum Electronics, the Japan Scociety of Applied Physics.
Program (updated on Oct. 21, 2009)
- Privacy Notice
- QIT 21 uses the personal information provided by registrants
to organize the symposium properly and to communicate with registrants.
- All the personal information provided for QIT21, including all duplicates,
will be deleted after QIT21.
- Contact address for an inquiry about personal information collection:
@Organizers of Quantum Information Technology Committee
- The following is the URL for registration.
The linked page has a different URL form the present one.
[Registration page]
Information on bank transfer
- The registration number and the bank transfer information will be sent via E-mail after you finish the web registration.
For Authors