About Duplicate Submissions
IEICE Editorial Board

The IEICE Editorial Committee has been detecting an increasing number of cases of duplicate submissions to recent IEICE Transactions. In its "Information for Authors," the Board prohibits duplicate submissions as specified below.
Duplicate submissions damage the credibility and authority of all IEICE Transactions. We will penalize authors whenever a duplicate submission is detected, even if it has already been published. (Please note that there have been cases in which the acceptance of a manuscript has been revoked, the paper has been expunged from IEICE Transactions Online, and the author has been billed for the refereeing costs.) Therefore, please consider this carefully when submitting a manuscript.

Furthermore, the submission of a translated manuscript shall be deemed a duplicate submission if the content is found to be identical or very similar. However, manuscripts translated at the request of the Editorial Committee shall be exempt.

For the detail, please refer to the Information for Authors

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