Section: Singapore Representative: Professor Lei Zhu (Nanyang Technological University)

This reported was prepared, primarily by Professor Joshua Le-Wei Li (the immediately past IEICE Singapore Section representative, from National University of Singapore) and jointly by Professor Lei Zhu (the new IEICE Singapore Section representative, from Nanyang Technological University).

In the Year 2007, the IEICE Singapore Section has organized two series of the seminars for IEICE members in Singapore and Malaysia, namely, the following two series:

(1) Communications Series: Antennas & Propagation, and
(2) Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Series.

The first seminar series, i.e., Communications Series: Antennas & Propagation, was held in Orchard Hotel, Singapore, at 9:00 pm - 11:00 am, November 2, 2006. In the first series, two IEICE Distinguished Lectures were organized in conjunction with the 2006 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP'06) in Singapore. The first IEICE Distinguished Lecture was entitled as Innovative Antennas and Propagation Studies for MIMO Systems and it was delivered by Professor Yoshio Karasawa from Advanced Wireless Communication research Center (AWCC), the University of Electro-Communications, Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182-855, Japan. The second IEICE Distinguished Lecture was entitled as R&D Progress in Wireless Communications in China: A Review on Chinese High-tech R&D Programs for Wireless Technology and it was delivered by Professor Ke Gong from Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. Both of the speakers are also considered as the Keynote Speakers at the ISAP'06 in Singapore. They shared their professional experiences with, and also reported to, the audience on the latest developments of their areas of interests.


Figure 1: Two seminars delivered by Professor Yoshio Karasawa from University of Electro-Communications, Japan and Professor Ke Gong from Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology and Tsinghua University, China. (a) Prof. Yoshio Karasawa was giving his Keynote at the ISAP'06. (b) Prof. Ke Gong was delivering his Keynote at the ISAP'06. (c) and (d) Audience sitting in the two seminars.

The second seminar series, Applied Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Series, was conducted at NUS Engineering Auditorium, Singapore at 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, December 8, 2006. The IEICE Distinguished Lecture speaker was Professor Din Ping Tsai from Center of Nanostorage Research and Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan; Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

Prof. Din Ping Tsai's talk is entitled as "Optical Nano Recording and Imaging by Plasmonic Nano Structures". The seminar addressed some of most recent technical progresses, and potential impact in the future, on nanotechnologies using plasmonic nano structures for future science and technology. The speaker is an international expert widely recognized and he shared with the IEICE members on his professional and technical experiences to make progress for future perspectives in this area.


Figure 2: Lecture by Professor Din Ping Tsai from National Taiwan University, Taiwan. (a) and (b) Prof. Tsai delivered his talk to the audience at the seminar; (c) and (d) Audience who showed strong interests in the talk.

As the founding Officer of the IEICE Singapore Section, Professor Joshua LW Li has served as a for two terms between 2003-2007. His second term was expired and Professor Lei Zhu has now taken the position over to continue to provide quality services to Singapore members. Joshua Li looked forward to active participation and intensive involvement in our Section activities, and also strong support to the new Chairman, Lei Zhu, by all the Singaporean IEICE members.

If there is any query on services and other issues, please directly contact Prof. Lei Zhu at the following address:

Professor Lei Zhu

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
S2.2-B2-16, Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798

Tel: (+65) 6790-4338; Fax: (+65) 6792-0415
Email:; Web:

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