1. |
Communications between researcher on Electronics, Information
and Communications Technology through e-mailing list |
2. |
Lecture meeting on Information Technology Assurance, September
2006 |
3. |
Workshop on Ubiquitous Network, February 2007 |
4. |
Technical sponsorship in several workshop related with RCIT |
Past Activites
1. Lecture Meeting 2005
On February 24, 2005 We have organized a lecture meeting in Bandung Institute
of Technology (ITB) , lectured by Prof. Tetsuya Miki from University of Electrocommunication
Tokyo Japan. The topic of this meeting was Next Generation Network. There were
appoximately about 120 participants from universities, industries and Government.
Beside, we also conducted a hot discussion with Departement of Electrical Engineering
of ITB.
Lecture Meeting, 2006
On February 8, 2006, We have organized a lecture meeting
in Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) , lectured by Prof. Yasushi Yamao from
University of Electrocommunication Tokyo Japan. The topic of this meeting was
Advance in Wireless Network, toward a ubiquitous world.. There were appoximately
about 140 participants from universities, industries and Government.