IEICE Global Plaza - Monthly community plaza in English for students, faculties and engineers -

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Toward the Academic Institution Where You Can Easily Join and Enhance Your Research Activities in Collaboration with the Other Members
Hot Topics
2014 IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum Was Successfully Held

Upcoming International Conferences

Message from TFIPP Secretariat



Toward the Academic Institution Where You Can Easily Join and Enhance Your Research Activities in Collaboration with the Other Members

Iwao Sasase, Prof. Dr.,
Keio University, Japan,
VP, IEICE, Chairman, IEICE International Affairs Committee,
Ex-Chairman, IEICE Communications Society
  It is my great honor to have this opportunity of presenting my greeting to all of the general readers of IEICE Global Plaza as the Chairman of IEICE International Affairs Committee (IEICE-IAC) in the 2014/2015 term. I would like to do my best for the evolution of IEICE addressed to the global awareness and enhancement of your academic activities in the globalizing environment through continuous support to IEICE International Sections for their positive planning and activities, and above all, through the quality improvement of international member services in collaboration with the Representatives of the Sections. Regarding the policy and planning of IEICE-IAC for your academic activities in the new fiscal year, I will try to introduce them in details to you in coming issues of IEICE Global Plaza.
  I have been devoted to the academic activities of IEICE Communications Society (IEICE-CS) as the Chairman in the former year, as well. Hereby, I would like to introduce my opinion of the international activities of IEICE to you through the experience as follows.
Who Is It That Would Support Technical Activities of IEICE?
  The technical scope of IEICE-CS covers wide areas in communications and networking, and the main scheme is to serve the needs of its more than 13,000 members by providing them with access functions to the technical information and opportunity to discuss state of the art communication and networking technologies from various aspects as well as establishing and keeping human networks of professionals over the world. The Society fortunately has gained many experienced and dedicated groups and individuals who would help the Society lead and guide the various technical activities. Further, new volunteers who would join the Society and improve or extend the activities are still most welcome. Especially, I would like to encourage members with common interest in a new technology area, to form a small activity group with the expectation that such a group may eventually evolve into a technical committee, for the timely dissemination of the technical information in emerging technological areas in which members will be interested. Your constructive proposal is welcome as well, whenever you identify a new emerging area which will attract the members.
IEICE Knowledge Discovery (I-Scover*)
  IEICE has developed and put into practice the transactions online system in electronic publication including eight Transactions (English and Japanese) so far. Those are Communications Express (ComEX), Electronics Express (ELEX) and Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA), as well as Proceedings Archives of IEICE-sponsored conferences. In April, 2013, IEICE started a project to make a new document archiving and navigation system named “IEICE Knowledge Discovery (I-Scover)” with many convenient functions, such as linked data, through elaborative work and experience of IEICE-CS. In this system, for example, when we look for some papers on a specific topic, various kinds of information related to the topic such as the relation of the papers, recent news on the topic can be easily retrieved with the capabilities of linked data structure. The first stage of IEICE Knowledge Discovery is already available and everyone can easily collect more useful contents covering tutorial articles, surveys, international and domestic conference papers.
For More Attractive Activities to Members from Industry
  The industry membership still remains the major portion of IEICE-CS. However, I think that the Society should intensify the “practical” contents in conferences, journals, and magazines to be more attractive and useful to the members in industry. I also think that it is required to plan and organize more support to standardization activities which would be attractive to the industry, with provision of hot-topic tutorials and latest reports for standardization activities in publications and conferences.
To Foster Young Leaders in Globalization
  It is expected to make a close tie between the Society and the prosperous generation in Asian region, in the globalizing environment of academic activities. Then, it will be important to provide the young generation with more opportunities of participating in various activities of the Society. For example, it will be useful to set up special editions of transactions and special sessions in the conferences and workshops sponsored by the Society. The mechanism of “Open calls” will be effective to seek and foster young leaders. It is required as well, to introduce a new program for students and younger members to encourage them to keep their IEICE-CS memberships during their first 10 years after graduation from university, through provision of more timely and useful services which they will need. Especially, it will be important to take care of foreign student members who are studying or going to study in Japan, to make their careers meaningful through continuous membership of IEICE even after graduation.
Awards and IEICE Fellow Nominations
  Awards as well as Fellow evaluation are key functions for technical activities as the index of distinguished achievements. Achievement awards, paper awards, encouragement award, etc. are available. IEICE Fellow status is granted to a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments. I believe it would be more important to provide international members with more opportunities to be award winners and IEICE Fellows. Please remember that the member can nominate anyone worthy. The detailed procedures are available at:
for the award and   for the fellow.
Note of I-Scover* (by IEICE-TFIPP)
Please see the former issues of I-Scover as follows:
〈I-Scover Challenge 2013〉
〈Introductory Remarks〉
〈Paper Presentation and Award Giving Ceremony〉 The I-Scover was introduced by Session TK-3 in 2014 General Conference at Niigata University on March 20, 2014, and the result of the Session was reported in IEICE Journal vol.97, no.5, p.438, 2014.
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Hot Topics

2014 IEICE Information and Communication
Technology Forum Was Successfully Held

Piotr Zwierzykowski, Prof. Dr.,
Poznan University of Technology,
Chair of Communication and Computer Networks,
IEICE Europe Section
  The international conference, “2014 IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum (briefly, ICTF2014) was organized by IEICE Europe Section in collaboration with IEICE and IEICE-CS, and it was successfully held at Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications of the Poznan University of Technology, in Poznan, Poland, on May 28-30, 2014.
  This conference was a forum for the exchange of ideas among engineers, scientists and young researchers from all over the world on advances in information and communication technologies and other related areas, and most of the presentations were focused on the research and development of the future technologies. The conference was strictly related to the Engineering fields of Communication, Electronics and Computer.
  The conference was sponsored by IEICE, IEICE-CS, IEICE Europe Section itself, Poznan University of Technology (PUT), Polish Association of Telecommunication Engineers and the CARMNET Project between Poland and Switzerland (See it at
Conference Program and Number of Participants
  The workshop was inaugurated with the Opening Speeches given by Dr. Yuji Inoue, the former President of IEICE and Prof. Krzysztof Wesołowski, Dean, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, PUT. 41 papers associated with relevant discussions were presented during the three days term of ICTF2014. The number of participants reached about 60. All the participants contributed to the success of ICTF 2014 through paper presentation and positive discussions between speakers and audience.
  Six Sessions were organized as follows:
-Special Session focused on ALIEN&CARMNET Projects
-Special Session focused on NEWCOM# Project
-Session on Communications
-Session on Mobile Networks and Systems
-Session on Information and Communications Technology
-Session on Electronics.
Keynote Speeches
In addition to the Opening Speeches, Keynote Speeches were given by guests invited from Japan and Poland. They presented the overview of current research topics in important areas as follows:
-“Recent Advances in Distributed Antenna Network for Gigabit Communications” by Prof. Fumiyuki Adachi, Tohoku University
-“ICT for the Resilient Society” by Prof. Toshitaka Tsuda, Waseda University
-“Queuing Models for the Internet” by Prof. Maciej Stasiak, PUT
Fig.1 Dr.Yuji Inoue, President, IEICE
giving the Opening Speech
Fig.2 Prof. Fumiyuki Adachi, Tohoku-U
giving a Keynote Speech
Fig.3 Prof. Toshitaka Tsuda, Waseda-U
giving a Keynote Speech
Fig.4 Dr. Haris Gačanin, Representative of
Europe Section giving an Industry Speech
Guest Speeches
  The following guests gave speeches from the viewpoint of industry speakers: Dr. Kazue Sako from NEC, Dr. Shinji Matsuo from NTT, Dr. Haris Gačanin, Dr. Mamoun Guenach, Dr. Fahim Kawsar from Alcatel-Lucent Bell NV, Dr. Adam Panasiuk from Samsung, Dr. Reza Holakouei from Nokia-Siemens Networks, and Dr. Mentor Graphics from Grzegorz Mrugalski.
  On the other hand, many Speeches were invited from Academia in Japan, USA and Europe as follows:
-Dr. Bamidele Adebisi, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
-Prof. Aleksandra Pižurica, Ghent University, Belgium
-Dr. Osamu Muta, Kyushu University, Japan
-Dr. Dejan Vukobratovic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
-Dr. Sinan Sinanovic, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
-Dr. Abolfazl Mehbodniya, Tohoku University, Japan
-Dr. Guy Torfs, Ghent University, Belgiumc
-Mr. Kentaroh Toyoda, Keio University, Japan
-Dr. Werner Prost, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
-Dr. Ikpe Justice Akpan, Kent State University, USA
-Dr. Darko Zibar, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
  Special Sessions covered the results of European projects as follows: ALIEN focused on Abstract on Layer for Implementation of Extensions in Programmable Networks, NEWCOM# focused on Energy and Bandwidth Efficient Communications and Networking,
CARMNET focused on: Multi-Service Network Management for Reliable Internet Access in Public Wireless Networks.
  2015 IEICE ICTF will be held in Manchester, UK, on June 3-5, 2015. We are looking forward to your participation.
  On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, I would like to thank all the authors, Technical Program Committee members and the reviewers for their contribution to the success of ICTF 2014, and thank IEICE and IEICE-CS as well for their financial sponsorship which ensured many students interested in ICT.
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Upcoming International Conferences
IWSEC2014 - IEICE Engineering Sciences Soc., in Hirosaki, Japan, on Aug. 27-29,
APWiMob2014 - IEICE Communications Soc., in Bali, Indonesia, on Aug. 28-30, 2014,
IMQA - IEICE Engineering Sciences Soc., in Chiba, Japan, on Sept.2-3, 2014,
APNOMS2014 - IEICE Communications Soc., in Hsinchu, Taiwan, on Sept. 17-19, 2014,
SISA2014 - IEICE Engineering Sciences Soc., in Melbourne, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on Oct. 8-10, 2014,
MWP/APMP2014 - IEICE Communications Soc., IEICE Electronics Soc., in Sapporo, Japan, on Oct. 20-23, 2014,
ISITA2014 - IEICE Engineering Sciences Soc., in Melbourne, Australia, on Oct. 26-29, 2014,
APMC2014 - IEICE Electronics Soc., in Sendai, Japan, on Nov. 4-7, 2014,
ISAP2014 - IEICE Communications Soc., in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on Dec. 2-5, 2014,
APSIPA 2014 - IEICE Engineering Sciences Soc., in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on Dec. 9-12, 2014,
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Message from TFIPP Secretariat
@This issue is delivered also by a free mail magazine gIEICE Global Plaza Onlineh with updated news of interest for you. Please contact Prof. Takahashi, TFIPP (Task Force for International Policy and Planning) at, if you need. Back numbers are available in archives at:

Editorial Committee of IEICE Global Plaza


Kenzo Takahashi
Yoshikazu Miyanaga
Fumio Futami
Hiroyuki Uenohara
Kimihiko Kazui
Ichiro Ide

IEICE Engineering Sciences Soc.
IEICE Communications Soc.
IEICE Electronics Soc.
IEICE Information & Systems Soc.
IEICE Human Commun. Group

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