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About Fellow Recommendation
 This System shall be carried out as a part of the membership system of this Institute in accordance with the intent of Section 4, Article 2 of the Regulations of the IEICE. The Institute grows and serves society at large through the vigorous activities of its members. It is founded on contributions made by its members to the Institute through pioneering accomplishments in academic and technical areas, through the provision of education and technical guidance to cultivate human resources who will play active roles in the Institute, and through vigorous participation in the business activities of the Institute. While the Institute embraces a deep feeling of gratitude and a deep sense of respect for these contributions, this System has been established to award the title of Fellow to senior members who are recognized for outstanding contributions, in order to express the Institute’s gratitude explicitly. The awarding of fellow grade signifies not only our sense of esteem and gratitude for the past contributions of the awardees but also our hope that they will continue to lead the Institute activities, thereby also serving society at large.
Before you submit recommendation, be sure to refer to the following regulations:
Qualifications for Fellow candidates
  • The candidate shall be a senior member of the IEICE.
  • The candidate shall have made outstanding contributions in one of the following categories:
  1. Engineering or scientific pioneer
  2. Educator
  3. Leader in technical development
  4. Promoter of Institute activities
Note: Persons who currently hold the following positions cannot be candidates:
  • President
  • Chair or member of the Fellow Nomination Committee
Qualification for a Nominator
  • Member for a total of ten years or more, or honorary member
  • Overseas section representative
Note: There shall be at least one Nominator for each recommendation. No self-recommendation is permitted.
Note: The total number of years of the above membership shall be calculated as of June 30. Twelve months shall be considered one year, and any fraction thereof shall be rounded down.
Note: Persons who currently hold the following positions cannot be Nominators:
  • Member of the decision-making organization of the same Society as the candidate
  • Chair or member of the Fellow Recommendation Committee in the same Society as the candidate
Qualification for a Reference
  • Honorary member or Fellow
Note: There shall be three or more References who are in a position to be able to judge the accomplishments of the candidate accurately.
Note: The three References shall be selected from institutions other than that of the candidate. However, if this is not possible, some References from the same institution are permitted.
Note: Persons who currently hold the following positions cannot be References:
  • Director
  • Chair or member of the Fellow Nomination Committee
  • Member of the decision making body of the same Society as the candidate
  • Chair or member of the Fellow Recommendation Committee of the same Society as the candidate
How to make a recommendation
Nomination forms and required number (three or more) of Reference forms shall be submitted separately by Nominators and References to the Headquarters Office between April 1 and June 30 (they may be postmarked that day).
Recommendation form (Word) Recommendation form (pdf)
Reference form (Word) Reference form (pdf)
< The forms shall be submitted to >
xx Society Fellow Recommendation Committee
Institute of Electronic, Information and Communication Engineers
Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg.
3-5-8 Sibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011 Japan
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