Thailand-Japan Microwave Student Workshop
(TJMW Student Workshop)

Dec. 8, 2020, Virtual Workshop

Abstract Submission Instruction

Instruction for the abstract submission

Authors have to submit the following information at submission site by November 16, 2020:

  1. Presenter's name
  2. All author's name
  3. Affiliations
  4. Paper title
  5. 100-word abstract

Only oral sessions will be organized in the workshop. Each student will have 10-minute presentation time including questions and discussions.
All the submitted abstracts will be edited as abstract book.

Go to Submission Site


The copyright is reserved to the author(s), and is not transferred to the IEICE.


If you have any problems with abstract submission, please contact: mitani(TJMW)
(Replace (TJMW) with @.)

Dr. Tomohiko Mitani, Kyoto Univ. (TPC Chair, TJMSWS 2020)