Extended Hoth noise and Aerial Simulation

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Hoth noise

Hoth noise is a random noise that has a power density spectrum corresponding to that published by Hoth. It is defined as a simulated room noise in ITU-T P.800. P.800 defines the power density spectrum of the Hoth noise between 100 Hz and 8000 Hz with the band edges conforming to the filters described in IEC 61260 (Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters).

Extended Hoth noise

The upper edge of the power density spectrum of the Hoth noise is extended in order to simulate wide-band room noise. The extended slope of the spectrum is -15 dB/oct.

Sample programs

Generation of extended Hoth noise


This is a sample Matlab/Octave program to generate an extended Hoth noise. Note that the lower edge of the spectrum does not conform to the IEC61260 standard, because of the FIR filter implementation.

Aerial Simulation


This is a sample Matlab/Octave program to simulate an aerial transmission in a room. It includes a series of signal processings as follows:

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