From Editorial Committee

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IEICE Transactions on Communications publishes papers on the frontiers of communication research in every month. Please read our Editor-in-Chief's message to find out more.

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The Editorial Committee of IEICE Transactions on Communications is composed of Editor-in-Chief, Editor, Associate Editor, and Advisory Members.

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IEICE Transactions on Communications features Special Sections/Issues providing comprehensive coverage of timely topics. Please consider submitting your work to our Special Sections/Issues.

The IEICE Transactions on Communications originates from the IEICE Transactions (Japanese language) that started in 1918, and took the current form in 1991 as one of the four English-language Transactions. It receives about 600 paper-submissions every year, of which over 60 percent come from countries outside Japan. Among those contributions, only high quality and outstanding papers are published on a monthly basis. The peer-review process is careful but yet efficient; it typically takes less than 12 months from submission to publication.

In addition to the regular section, the IEICE Transactions on Communications features Special Sections/Issues providing comprehensive coverage of timely topics nearly every month, and there invites papers from leading experts in specialist fields as a complete and authoritative overview of key areas of research. Specially selected papers, including invited papers, are available online to the public free of charge under the open access paper policy.

The IEICE Transactions on Communications covers the following research fields: Fundamental Theories for Communications, Fiber-Optic Communications, Networking, Antennas and Propagation, Wireless Communications, and so on. The specific subjects are listed on our web site.