Presentation Instructions

The online conference will be held using Zoom. Authors can choose the type of presentation from the followings:
- Synchronous: live presentation + Q&A via Zoom
- Hybrid: pre-recorded presentation + live Q&A via Zoom
- Asynchronous: pre-recorded presentation + asynchronous Q&A via email
For Synchronous and Hybrid, live or pre-recorded presentation will be streamed ontime by the author via screen sharing of Zoom. For Asynchronous, pre-recorded presentations will be streamed ontime by conference staff via Zoom.

1. Please check the Session Schedule to see on which day and at what time you are presenting your contribution.
2. Total duration of each contribution is 18 minutes. This includes the time available for presentation (14-15 minutes) and questions from the audience (3-4 minutes). Even if you choose an Asynchronous presentation, the presentation time is 14-15 minutes.
3. Speakers of Synchronous and Hybrid presentations should log in to their session rooms of Zoom 10 minutes before the start of the session to check your audio and screen sharing, and to contact with the chairperson.
4. Authors of Asynchronous presentations should prepare the pre-recorded presentations as follows:
  1. Please use a common format, such as powerpoint with audio or MPEG4, keeping in mind that the presentation video can be played on either Windows or Mac.
  2. The filename of the presentation video should be "[Session_Code]_[Paper ID]_[Name of the first author].pptx" or "[Session_Code]_[Paper ID]_[Last name of the first author].mp4". For example, "A2L-B_1621_Okada.pptx". Session_Code is available at the Session Schedule.
  3. Please upload your presentation video file to the following website by Nov. 5: If you cannot access the Google Form, please send your presentation video file to with the following information: E-mail address, Session code, Paper ID, Name of the first author.
5. The conference staff are not responsible for the operation of computer-related equipment belonging to participants.