International Sections -2019-
Agenda for All Sections Meeting 2019 IEICE General Conference
Date : March 20, 2019 Wednesday
Venue : Waseda University, Nishi-waseda campus, Bldg. No.61, Room No.206
Attendee : President, President-Elect, Vice Presidents,
IAC (International Affairs Committee) Section Representatives,
IAC members,
Chair : Haruko KAWAHIGASHI, Director of IEICE
1 Opening Remarks Haruko KAWAHIGASHI Director of IEICE
Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
2 Message from the President Makoto ANDO President of IEICE
National Institute of Technology
3 Explanation about current situation of IEICE Hideo KUWAHARA Vice President of IEICE,
Chairman of IEICE IAC
4 Activity Reports from International Sections Presentation based on the pre-submitted report
Mandatory items for the report
- Status of the section
- Activities, Sponsored Lecture
- Efforts to increase the member
Please keep each presentation to under 5 minutes
5 Follow of the previous meeting issues Kazue SAKO Vice President of IEICE,
Vice Chairman of IEICE IAC NEC
6 Discussion
7 Group Photograph
8 Closing Remarks Yukitoshi SANADA Director of IEICE
Keio University
  1. Activity Reports from International Sections
  2. - Bangkok
    - Beijing
    - Europe
    - Indonesia
    - Korea(Communication)
    - Korea(Electronics)
    - Korea(Information)
    - Malaysia
    - Shanghai
    - Singapore
    - Taipei
    - Vietnam
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