WSANE 2008

Workshop for Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics

Venue : Ba-Da-Guan Hotel (TBD), Qingdao, P.R. China
Date : November 23-26, 2008

Travel Information

"Introduction of Qingdao" (PDF, 2.4MB)

Tecnical Tour (City Tour):

Technical tour is planned as follows.

Date: Nov. 26 (Wed)
Destination: LAO SHAN mountain

Located by the seaside of the Yellow Sea, Mountain Lao is known as the No.1 religious mountain along China's coastline and the birthplace of Taoism. Entitled a national tourist attraction by the State Council, this area is composed of nine sections, five scenic spots under restoration and some surrounding scenic spots. It is a national model scenic area, which ranks a national 4A ranking. The Mountain Lao range in Qingdao was known by ancient Chinese as "the Premier Famous Mountain on the Sea". The main peak is 1132.7 meters above sea level and has an 87km coastline. Mountain Lao Scenic Area is a state-level park featuring mountains, sea, forest, springs and waterfalls.