Eighth 2015 Korea-Japan Joint Conference on

Nov. 23-24, 2015, Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan

Final Technical Program (2015.11.11)

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Technical Program


Program Summary

Nov. 23 Mon




Plenary 1


Coffee Break


Session 1A EMT&EMC

Session 1B EMC




Session 2A BE

Session 2B EMT&BE


Poster Session & Coffee Break


Bus Departure for Banquet


Nov 24 Tue




Plenary 2


Coffee Break


Session 3A BE

Session 3B EMC




Session 4A BE

Session 4B EMC&BE


Coffee Break


Session 5A EMT

Session 5B EMC&BE


Group Dinner



Nov. 23, 2015 (Monday)


09:00 ~ 9:30  Registration



Plenary Session 1

Room 1: Shirakashi 1

Chair: Motoyuki Sato (Tohoku University)

09:30 ~ 10:15  Looking at Northeast Asia: Sendai's Perspective

Hiroki Oka

(Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University)



10:15 ~ 10:35  Coffee Break



Oral Session 1A EMT&EMC

Room 1: Shirakashi 1

Chair: Jonghoon Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

10:35 ~ 11:00  BER Measurement for LOS Coverage in Compact Range Communication and Estimation of Shadowing Effects

Makoto Ando*, Koji Toyosaki, Zhang Miao, Maifuz Ali, Kiyomichi Araki, and Jiro Hirokawa

(Tokyo Institute of Technology)

11:00 ~ 11:25  Investigation of Global Modeling for Rain Attenuation Prediction in Terrestrial and Satellite Links

Woo-Geun Kang1, Yong-Ki Kwon2, Jungkuy Park2, and Jeong-Ki Pack1*

(1 Chungnam National University, 2 National Radio Research Agency)

11:25 ~ 11:50  Statistical Model Utilizing Ray-Tracing for Indoor Radio Propagation Prediction

Takahiro Hashimoto, Yasuhiro Nishioka*, Yoshio Inasawa, and Hiroaki Miyashita

(Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)

11:50 ~ 12:15  High-Frequency Modeling of AC Motors for EMC-Aware Design of Electrical Drives

Ki Jin Han*, Younggon Ryu, and Hyeokjun Jo

(Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)

Oral Session 1B EMC

Room 2: Meeting Room 8

Chair: Yoshitaka Toyota (Okayama University)

10:35 ~ 11:00  Signal Integrity Design of High-speed Semiconductor Test Probe Card

Jonghoon Kim1*, Jinwook Song1, Eunjung Lee1, Manho Lee1, Jung keun Park2, Ji Sun Lee2, Hyun Min Kim2, Youngbu Kim2, Seungki Nam3, and Joungho Kim1

(1 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2 WILL Technology Co., 3 Samsung Electronics Co.)

11:00 ~ 11:25  Effects of Large Signal S Parameters on Immunity Characteristics of Analog IC

Tohlu Matsushima*, Hidetoshi Miyahara, Takashi Hisakado, and Osami Wada

(Kyoto University)

11:25 ~ 11:50  Radiated Noise Transfer Characteristics between PCB Board and@On-Board Antenna

Heekwon Lee* and Wansoo Nah

(Sungkyungkwan University)

11:50 ~ 12:15  Information Leakage from Cryptographic Devices caused by IEMI

Yu-ichi Hayashi1*, Naofumi Homma2, Takaaki Mizuki2, Ken Kawamata1, Takafumi Aoki2, Hideaki Sone2, and Shigeki Minegishi1

(1 Tohoku Gakuin University, 2 Tohoku University)


12:15 ~ 13:20  Lunch


Oral Session 2A BE

Room 1: Shirakashi 1

Chair: Akimasa Hirata (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

13:20 ~ 13:45  Effects of RF-EMF on Alzheimer Disease Mice

Ye Ji Jeong1*, Ga-Young Kang1, Jong Hwa Kwon2, Hyung-Do Choi2, Jeong-Ki Pack3, Nam Kim4, Hae-June Lee5, and Yun-Sil Lee1

(1 Ewha Womans University, 2 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute,  3 Chungnam National University, 4 Chungbuk National University, 5 Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences)

13:45 ~ 14:10  Development and Performance Evaluations of Surgical Devices by use of Microwave Energy

Kazuyuki Saito*, Yuta Endo, Sho Suzuki, and Koichi Ito

(Chiba University)

14:10 ~ 14:35  Antenna Location of Bar-Type Mobile Phones and SAR

Ae-Kyoung Lee*, Seon-Eui Hong, Jong-Hwa Kwon, and Hyung-Do Choi

             (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)

14:35 ~ 15:00  MRI Technique for Recovering Signal Intensity near Metallic Implants by Spatially-Selective Excitation RF Pulse

Taeseong Woo*, Dongmin Kim, Takao Someya, and Masaki Sekino

(The University of Tokyo)

15:00 ~ 15:25  In-vitro Assessment of Electromagnetic Interference caused by Wireless Power Transfer System on Active Implantable Medical Devices

Takashi Hikage1*, Masami Shirafune1, Toshio Nojima1 and Hiroshi Fujimoto

(1 Hokkaido University, 2 Medtronic Inc.)

Oral Session 2B EMT&BE

Room 2: Meeting Room 8

Chair: Nam Kim (Chungbuk National University)

13:20 ~ 13:45  Perturbation Analysis of the Plane Wave Scattering by a Dielectric Grating

Akira Komiyama

(Osaka Electro-Communication University)

13:45 ~ 14:10  Simplified Far-field Expression of Dyadic Greenfs Function for Impedance Half-Plane

Hyunsoo Lee* and Il-Suek Koh

(Inha University)

14:10 ~ 14:35  Diffracted EM Waves by a Conductive Circular Disk for Dipole Incidence

- Numerical Comparison of an Exact Solution and a High Frequency Approximation-

Teruhiro Kinoshita1*, Takashi Kuroki2, and Toshihiko Shibazaki2

(1 Tokyo Polytechnic University, 2 Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology)

14:35 ~ 15:00  Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method using Surface Equivalent Theorem for Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields

SangWook Park1* and MinHyuk Kim2

(1 Korea Automotive Technology Institute, 2 Seoul National University)

15:00 ~ 15:25  Ray-Mode Conversion Technique Applied to Plane Wave Diffraction by a Thick Slit

Hiroshi Shirai* and Masayuki Shimizu

(Chuo University )



 15:25 ~ 16:30  Poster Session & Coffee Break


Room: Shirakashi 2


P-01  Design and Application of Short-slot 2-Plane Coupler

Dong-Hun Kim*, Jiro Hirokawa, and Makoto Ando

(Tokyo Institute of Technology)


P-02  Dual-band Resonator for Magnetic Resonance Wireless Power Transfer

      Nanae Yoon*, Sangwoo Park, and Chulhun Seo

      (Soongsil University)


P-03  EM Absorbers Consisting of a Dipole Array Sheet and a Wire Grid

Kohei Tsuyoshi*, Shinichiro Yamamoto, Kenichi Hatakeyama

(University of Hyogo)


P-04  Signal Integrity of High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) Interposer

Kyungjun Cho1*, Hyunsuk Lee1, Heegon Kim1, Sumin Choi1, Jaemin Lim1, Hyungsoo Kim2, Youngju Kim2, Yunsaing Kim2 and Joungho Kim1

(1 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2 SK Hynix Inc.)


P-05  Technique of Immunity Estimation for In-vehicle Ethernet

Miyuki Mizoguchi1*, Hiroyuki Mori1, Noboru Maeda1, Hideki Goto2, Takashi Yasuda2, and Hiroki Keino2

(1 Nippon Soken, Inc., 2 Toyota Motor Corporation)


P-06  Design of Magnetic Shielding for Reduction of Magnetic Near Field from Wireless Battery Charging System for Electric Vehicle

Hongseok Kim*, Chiuk Song and Joungho Kim

(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)


P-07  Electromagnetic Measurement based on the Rabi Frequency in Free Space

Masanori Ishii* and Moto Kinoshita

(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)


P-08  Modeling Methodology and Analysis of High-speed Digital I/O Connectors for SI Enhancement

Tae-Wan Koo*, Taegyu Bae, and Jong-Gwan Yook           

(Yonsei University)


P-09  Dependence of Power Distribution Network Impedance on Circuits Implemented in Field Programmable Gate Array

Nobuhiro Tai1*, Kengo Iokibe1, Yoshitaka Toyota1, and Tetsushi Watanabe2

(1 Okayama University, 2 Industrial Technology Center of Okayama Prefecture)


P-10  Harmonic Reduction of Non Linear Load Using Active Filter Techniques          

Jawad Yousaf*, Seung Hyun Lee, Pu Bo and Wansoo Nah

(Sungkyungkwan University)


P-11  Conducted Disturbance Estimation of Power Converter Circuits Based on Linear Equivalent Circuit Model for EMI Filter Design

Hiroki Geshi1*, Kengo Iokibe1, Yoshitaka Toyota1, and Tetsushi Watanabe2

(1 Okayama University, 2 Industrial Technology Center of Okayama Prefecture)


P-12  Circuit Breaker – Induced Transient Noise Analysis in a Transformer Bay Using EM Simulation

Kwangho Kim1*, Seung-Mok Son1, Jong-Kee Choi2, and Wansoo Nah1

(1 Sungkyungkwan University, 2 KEPCO Research Institute)


P-13  Effect of Conductive and Inductive Noise Suppression of Magnetic Film through Electromagnetic Analysis

Jingyan Ma*, Hanae, Aoki, Yasunori Miyazawa, Masahiro, Yamaguchi

(Tohoku University)


P-14  Reactive Shield for Vehicular Wireless Power Transfer System        

Jaehyoung Park*, Karam Hwang, Dongwook Kim and Seungyoung Ahn

(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)


P-15  Optically Pumped Alkali-Meta Atomic Magnetometer using Permanent Magnets for AC Magnetic Field Detection

Shuji Taue*, Masaru Shinohara, Takayuki Nagaoka, Yoshitaka Toyota, Kazuhiro Fujimori, and Hideki Fukano

(Okayama University)


P-16  Eye Diagram Estimation on Silicone Rubber Socket  

Junyong Park1*, Hyesoo Kim1, Jonghoon J. Kim1, Bunhee Bae1, Dongho Ha2, Micahel Bae2, and Joungho Kim1

(1 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2 Silicone Rubber Contactor)


P-17  Dielectric Properties of Biological Tissues and Organs in Millimeter Wave Frequencies up to 100 GHz

Kensuke Sasaki*, Kanako Wake, and Soichi Watanabe

(National Institute of Information and Communication Technology)


P-18  A Via Antenna for 5G Front-end Modules

Junho Park*, and Dong Gun Kam         

(Ajou University)


P-19  Numerical Investigation for Printed-antenna-based EM-wave Absorber with Feed-point Impedance Matching Approach

Kouki Takubo* and Atsuhiro Nishikata

(Tokyo Institute of Technology):


P-20  A Circularly Polarized Via Antenna for 5G Front-end Modules

Hyunwoo Park* and Dong Gun Kam

(Ajou University)


P-21  Uncertainty Evaluation for Temperature-varied Waveguide Penetration Method for Measuring Materialsf Complex Permittivity

Kentaro Mori* and Atsuhiro Nishikata

(Tokyo Institute of Technology):


P-22  Prenatal RF Exposure, Maternal Blood Mercury Level and Birth Outcome

Eunae Burm1*, Mina Ha1, Eun-Hee Ha1, Hyesook Park1, Yangho Kim1, Yun-Chul Hong1, Ae-Kyoung Lee2, Jong Hwa Kwon2, Hyung-Do Choi2, and Nam Kim3

(1 Dankook University, 2 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, 3 Chungbuk National University)


P-23  Experimental Verifications of Magnetic Field Generator Producing Short-Period

Sinusoidal Waveform for In Vitro and In Vivo Exposure Systems with High Dose

Shin-Ichiro Hayashi*, Keiji Wada and Yukihisa Suzuki

(Tokyo Metropolitan University)


P-24  Microwave Tomography Data File Format based on DICOM

Ki-Chul Kwon1*, Seungwoo Lee1, Kwan-Hee Yoo1, Nam Kim1, Soon Ik Jeon2, Jeong-Ki Pack3

(1 Chungbuk National University, 2 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, 3 Chungnam National University)


P-25  A Study on Broadband Measurement of Complex Permittivity for Liquids via the Open-ended Cut-off Waveguide Reflection Method using a Large-bore Connector

Takahiro Kaneko* and Kouji Shibata

(Hachinohe Institute of Technology)


P-26  Radiated Noise Suppression Effects of Multilayered Soft Magnetic (Co-AlN)/(AlN) Films

Hanae Aoki-Kijima*, Jingyan Ma, Hiroshi Masumoto, and Masahiro Yamaguchi

(Tohoku University)


P-27   UWB Bandpass Filter with Stepped Impedance Short-circuited

Minjae Jung* and Byung-Wook Min

(Yonsei University)


P-28   A Preliminary Study on Estimation of Bloodfs Hydrated Rate based on Complex Permittivity Measurement

Shinnosuke Seo*, Daisuke Anzai, and Jianqing Wang

(Nagoya Institute of Technology)


P-29  A Design of Wideband Miniaturized Implant Antenna for In-Body Impulse Radio Transceiver around 10-60 MHz

      Fuminori Ito*, Daisuke Anzai, and Jianqing Wang     

(Nagoya Institute of Technology)


P-30  Conductive Metal Coated Non-woven Fabric Sheet for Noise Suppression

Jiang Fu1*, Masahiro Yamaguchi1, Sho Muroga2, Tomoya Tanaka3, Chie Okamura3, Shinichi Okajiama3, and Kazufumi Kato3

(1 Tohoku University, 2 National Institute of Technology, Toyota College, 3 Asahi Kasei Fibers Corporation)


P-31  Estimation Method of Fault Injection Time Using EM Leakage

Ko Nakamura1*, Yu-ichi Hayashi2, Takaaki Mizuki1, and Hideaki Sone1

(1 Tohoku University, 2 Tohoku Gakuin University)


P-32  Simulation-based Analysis of Inductance Values in a Connector with Contact Failure

Tomoya Sato1*, Yu-ichi Hayashi2, Takaaki Mizuki1, and Hideaki Sone1

(1 Tohoku University, 2 Tohoku Gakuin University)


P-33  Evaluation of Randomized Cryptographic Processing Using Variable Clock against Correlation Power Analysis

Megumi Saito1*, Yu-ichi Hayashi2, Takaaki Mizuki1, and Hideaki Sone1

(1 Tohoku University, 2 Tohoku Gakuin University)



16:45        Bus Departure for Banquet (Entrance)

18:30 - 20:00  Banquet - Dinner Cruise on Matsushima Bay

21:00        Bus to Hotels








Nov. 24, 2015 (Tuesday)


09:00 ~ 09:15  Registration



Plenary Session 2

Room 1: Shirakashi 1

Chair: Seungyoung Ahn (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

09:15 ~ 10:00  RF Biomedical/Biomaterial Sensors for Healthcare Applications

Byung-Hyun Kim, Hee-Jo Lee, and Jong-Gwan Yook* 

(Yonsei University)



10:00 ~ 10:15  Coffee Break



Oral Session 3A BE

Room 1: Shirakashi 1

Chair: Yoon-Myoung Gimm (Dankook University)

10:15 ~ 10:40  Maternal Mobile Phone Use during Pregnancy and Children's Neurodevelopment

Kyung-Hwa Choi1*, Mina Ha1, Eun-Hee Ha2, Hyesook Park2, Yangho Kim3, Yun-Chul Hong4, Bung-Nyun Kim4, Ae-Kyoung Lee5, Jong Hwa Kwon5, Hyung-Do Choi5, and Nam Kim6

(1 Dankook University, 2 Ewha Womanfs University, 3 University of Ulsan, 4 Seoul National University, 5 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, 6 Chungbuk National University)


10:40 ~ 11:05  Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields on Body Temperature and Heat Shock Protein Gene Expression in Rats

Shin Ohtani1*, Akira Ushiyama2, Machiko Maeda1, Kenji Hattori1, Naoki Kunugita2, Jianqing Wang3, and Kazuyuki Ishii1

(1 Meiji Pharmaceutical University, 2 National Institute of Public Health, 3 Nagoya Institute of Technology)

11:05 ~ 11:30  3D Forward Solver for Microwave Tomography System

Soon-Ik Jeon1, N Simonov1, Bora Kim1, Gwang-Jae Lee1, Seong-Ho Son1, and Jeong-Ki Pack2*

(1 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, 2 Chungnam National University)


11:30 ~ 11:55  Millimeter-wave Applicator at 40, 60, and 120 GHz Based on Printed Circuit Board

Takeo Shiina1,2*, Yukihisa Suzuki1, Kensuke Sasaki2, Soichi Watanabe2, and Masao Taki1

(1 Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2 National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)

11:55 ~ 12:20  Point SAR Measurement in a Liquid Mouse Phantom Exposed by 1,850 MHz Rectangular Horn Antenna System

Kwang-Sik Lee and Yoon-Myoung Gimm*

(Dankook University)

Oral Session 3B EMC

Room 2: Meeting Room 8

Chair: Osami Wada (Kyoto University)

10:15 ~ 10:40  Development of Conducted-Voltage Measuring Apparatus using Two Parallel TEM Cells

Shinobu Ishigami*, Ifong Wu, Kaoru Gotoh, and Yasushi Matsumoto

(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)

10:40 ~ 11:05  The Radiation Susceptibility Test Method using Broadband Signals

Jun Gyu Yang and Hong Sik Keum*

(Radio Research Agency)

11:05 ~ 11:30  Field Transfer Probe Calibration Traceable to the National Standards

Takehiro Morioka1*, Yoshikazu Toba2,  Jun Ichijyo2, and Satoru Kurokawa1

(1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2 Seikoh Giken Co., Ltd.)

11:30 ~ 11:55  Calculation and Measurement of System-Level ESD Coupling

Junsik Park and Jingook Kim*

(Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) 

11:55 ~ 12:20  A Measurement Method for Housing Surface Low-Frequency Noise Current

Satoshi Muraoka*, Hisaaki Kanai, Wen Li, Hideki Osaka

(Hitachi Ltd.)


12:20 ~ 13:20  Lunch



Oral Session 4A BE

Room 1: Shirakashi 1

Chair: Teruo Onishi (NTT DoCoMo)

13:20 ~ 13:45  Computation of Core Temperature Elevation in Humans for Ambient and Electromagnetic Wave Exposures

Akimasa Hirata

(Nagoya Institute of Technology)

13:45 ~ 14:10  Application Method of AMC Reflector for SAR Reduction of 5GHz WiFi Signal

Seungwoo Lee* and Nam Kim

(Chungbuk National University)

14:10 ~ 14:35  Electromagnetic Near-Field Measurement System for Safety Evaluation of Wireless Power Transfer Systems

Jerdvisanop Chakarothai*, Kanako Wake, and Soichi Watanabe

(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)

14:35 ~ 15:00  Metabolomic Analysis of Urinary Polyamines in Rats Following Exposure to the 915 MHz Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) Signal

Young Hwan Ahn1*, Man-Jeong Paik2, Hye Sun Kim1, Yun-Sil Lee3, Hyung Do Choi4, Jeong-Ki Pack5, and Nam Kim6

(1 Ajou University, 2 Sunchon National University, 3 Ewha Womans University, 4 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, 5 Chungnam National University, 6 Chungbuk National University)

Oral Session 4B EMC&BE

Room 2: Meeting Room 8

Chair: Wansoo Nah (Sungkyungkwan University)

13:20 ~ 13:45  A Fast Channel Simulation Method including Internal PDN Noise of Pseudo-differential Receiver Buffer

Heegon Kim, Sumin Choi, Jonghoon J. Kim, Daniel H. Jung, Hyunsuk Lee*, Kyungjun Cho and Joungho Kim

(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

13:45 ~ 14:10  A Study on In-vehicle Electronic Equipment Design Considering the Cavity Resonance of Metal Chassis

Keisuke Nakamura1, Kenji Sogo, Michiharu Yamada, and Kouji Ichikawa

(Denso Corporation)

14:10 ~ 14:35  Electromagnetic Field Reduction in Railway Wireless Power Transfer System

Jedok Kim and Seungyoung Ahn*

(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

14:35 ~ 15:00  A Portable Implementation of a Freehand Scanning Method for Measuring EMF

Ken Sato1* and Yoshitsugu Kamimura2

(1 Hachinohe National College of Technology, 2 Utsunomiya University)


15:00 ~ 15:15  Coffee Break


Oral Session 5A EMT

Room 1: Shirakashi 1

Chair: Ryoichi Sato (Niigata University)

15:15 ~ 15:40  Parametric Representation of an Early-Time Radar Response for Target Identification

Masahiko Nishimoto

(Kumamoto University)

15:40 ~ 16:05  Analysis of Near-Field Light for All-Optical Magnetic Recording Using Boundary Integral Equation Methods

Shinichiro Ohnuki*, Taro Okuda, Yoshito Ashizawa, and Katsuji Nakagawa

(Nihon University)

16:05 ~ 16:30  Computer Aided Design for Three-dimensional Waveguides by Integral Equation Method:@Calculation of Transmission and Reflection Coefficients

             Masahiro Tanaka* and Kazuo Tanaka

(Gifu University)

Oral Session 5B EMC&BE

Room 2: Meeting Room 8

Chair: Jonghoon Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)     

15:15 ~ 15:40  Materialsf Complex Permittivity and Permeability Measurement in -40 — +125 Ž Temperature Range by Waveguide-Penetration Method in K-band

Kentaro Mori1*, Atsuhiro Nishikata1, Daisuke Yanagi2, Masaki Nishiuchi2, Shinji Kurahashi3

(1 Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2 TAKECHI Co.,Ltd., 3 Ehime Institute of Industrial Technology)

15:40 ~ 16:05  Analysis and Reconstruction of Electromagnetic Emanations from Video Display Interfaces

Ho Seong Lee, Tae-Lim Song, and Jong-Gwan Yook*

(Yonsei University)

16:05 ~ 16:30  Impacts of Burst Disturbance on Throughput and Connection Quality of ADSL System

Kotaro Ono*, Ken Okamoto, Hidetoshi Tatemichi and Kazuhiro Takaya

(NTT Network Technology Laboratories)