IWSEC Best Paper Award/IWSEC Best Student Paper Award/IWSEC Best Poster Award

IWSEC (International Workshop on Security) is organized by ISEC of IEICE and CSEC of IPSJ. The details have been shown in IWSEC Web Pages.

IWSEC Best Paper Award

Year Authors Title
2023 Miguel Ambrona, Marc Beunardeau, Anne-Laure Schmitt and Raphael Toledo aPlonK : Aggregated PlonK from Multi-Polynomial Commitment Schemes
2022 Hanno Becker, Vincent Hwang, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Lorenz Panny and Bo-Yin Yang Efficient Multiplication of Somewhat Small Integers using Number-Theoretic Transforms
2021 Yasufumi Hashimoto Solving the Problem of Blockwise Isomorphism of Polynomials with Circulant Matrices
Hiroki Kuzuno and Toshihiro Yamauchi KPRM: Kernel Page Restriction Mechanism to Prevent Kernel Memory Corruption
2020 Kota Sasaki and Koji Nuida Efficiency and Accuracy Improvements of Secure Floating-Point Addition over Secret Sharing
Yuichiro Dan, Toshiki Shibahara, and Junko Takahashi Timing Attack on Random Forests for Generating Adversarial Examples
2019 Takuma Ito, Naoyuki Shinohara, and Shigenori Uchiyama An Efficient F4-style Based Algorithm to Solve MQ Problems
Mamoru Mimura and Taro Ohminami Towards Efficient Detection of Malicious VBA Macros with LSI
2018 Yasufumi Hashimoto, Yasuhiko Ikematsu, and Tsuyoshi Takagi Chosen Message Attack on Multivariate Signature ELSA at Asiacrypt 2017
2017 Akinori Hosoyamada and Kazumaro Aoki On Quantum Related-Key Attacks on Iterated Even-Mansour Ciphers
2016 Zimin Lin, Rui Wang, Xiaoqi Jia, Shengzhi Zhang, and Chuankun Wu Analyzing Android Repackaged Malware by Decoupling Their Event Behaviors
Wenbin Zhang and Chik How Tan On the Security and Key Generation of the ZHFE Encryption Scheme
2015 Jingnan He, Bao Li, Xianhui Lu, Dingding Jia, Haiyang Xue and Xiaochao Sun Identity-based Lossy Encryption from Learning with Errors
2014 N/A N/A
2013 Shotaro Sano, Takuma Otsuka, and Hiroshi G. Okuno Solving Google's Continuous Audio CAPTCHA with HMM-based Automatic Speech Recognition
2012 Yu Sasaki, Lei Wang, Yasuhiro Takasaki, Kazuo Sakiyama, and Kazuo Ohta Boomerang Distinguishers for Full HAS-160 Compression Function
2011 Georgios Portokalidis and Angelos D. Keromytis REASSURE: A Self-contained Mechanism for Healing Software Using Rescue Points
2010 Margus Niitsoo Optimal Adversary Behavior for the Serial Model of Financial Attack Trees
2009 Lei Wang, Yu Sasaki, Kazuo Sakiyama, and Kazuo Ohta Bit-Free Collision: Application to APOP Attack
2008 Ieng-Fat Lam, Kuan-Ta Chen, and Ling-Jyh Chen Involuntary Information Leakage in Social Network Services
2007 Kazumaro Aoki, Takeshi Shimoyama, and Hiroki Ueda Experiments on the Linear Algebra Step in the Number Field Sieve
2006 Hiroshi Sakaki, Kazuo Yanoo, and Ryuichi Ogawa A Model-Based Method for Security Configuration Verification

IWSEC Best Student Paper Award

Year Authors Title
2023 Hiroki Furue and Yasuhiko Ikematsu A New Security Analysis Against MAYO and QR-UOV Using Rectangular MinRank Attack
2022 Hirotomo Shinoki and Koji Nuida On Extension of Evaluation Algorithms in Keyed-Homomorphic Encryption
2021 Kittiphop Phalakarn, Vorapong Suppakitpaisarn, Nuttapong Attrapadung, and Kanta Matsuura Evolving Homomorphic Secret Sharing for Hierarchical Access Structures
2020 Kota Sasaki and Koji Nuida Efficiency and Accuracy Improvements of Secure Floating-Point Addition over Secret Sharing
Yui Tajiri and Mamoru Mimura Detection of Malicious PowerShell Using World-Level Language Models
2019 Toi Tomita, Wakaha Ogata, and Kaoru Kurosawa CCA-Secure Leakage-Resilient Identity-Based Key-Encapsulation from Simple (not q-type) Assumptions
2018 Weiyao Wang, Yuntao Wang, Atsushi Takayasu, and Tsuyoshi Takagi Estimated Cost for Solving Generalized Learning with Errors Problem via Embedding Techniques
2017 Nasser Mohammed Al-Fannah and Wanpeng Li Not All Browsers Are Created Equal: Comparing Web Browser Fingerprintability
2016 Francois-Xavier Aguessy, Olivier Bettan, Gregory Blanc, Vania Conan, and Herve Debar Hybrid Risk Assessment Model based on Bayesian Networks
2015 Bingke Ma, Bao Li, Ronglin Hao, and Xiaoqian Li Improved (Pseudo) Preimage Attacks on Reduced-Round GOST and Groestl-256 and Studies on Several Truncation Patterns for AES-like Compression Functions
2014 Rui Xu, Kirill Morozov, and Tsuyoshi Takagi Cheater Identifiable Secret Sharing Schemes Via Multi-Receiver Authentication
2013 Yun-Ju Huang, Christophe Petit, Naoyuki Shinohara, and Tsuyoshi Takagi Improvement of Faugere et al.'s method to solve ECDLP
2012 Susumu Kiyoshima, Yoshifumi Manabe, and Tatsuaki Okamoto Efficient Concurrent Oblivious Transfer in Super-Polynomial-Simulation Security
2011 S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, S. Sree Vivek, and C. Pandu Rangan Identity Based Deterministic Signature Scheme Without Forking-Lemma
2010 Yusuke Sakai, Goichiro Hanaoka, Kaoru Kurosawa, and Kazuo Ohta A Generic Method for Reducing Ciphertext Length of Reproducible KEMs in the RO Model
2009 Minkyu Kim, Atsushi Fujioka, and Berkant Ustaoglu Strongly Secure Authenticated Key Exchange without NAXOS' Approach
2008 Fuchun Guo, Yi Mu, and Zhide Chen Efficient Batch Verification of Short Signatures for a Single-Signer Setting Without Random Oracles
Naoki Ogura and Shigenori Uchiyama Remarks on the Attack of Fougue et al. against the l IC Scheme
2007 Qiong Huang and Duncan S. Wong Generic Certificateless Encryption in the Standard Model
Bertrand Anckaert, Mariusz Jakubowski, Ramarathnam Venkatesan, and Koen De Bosschere Run-Time Randomization to Mitigate Tampering
2006 Seung Geol Choi, Kunsoo Park, and Moti Yung Short Traceable Signatures Based on Bilinear Pairings

IWSEC Best Poster Award

Year Authors Title
2023 Mine Arai, Naoto Yanai and Goichiro Hanaoka KOTO Crypto: Educational cryptography with the Koto
Hyuna Noh, Eunmin Lee, Minju Lee, Suhri Kim and Joohee Lee Security Analysis on KpqC Round 1 Lattice-based Algorithms Using Lattice Estimator
2022 Miho Miyake and Akinori Kawachi Secure Multi-party Computation for Symmetric Function with Tree Interaction Patterns
2021 Xuping Huang, Shunsuke Mochizuki, and Katsunari Yoshioka Towards Estimating Radio Resources Wasted by IoT Botnet Attacks
2019 Ken Naganuma, Suzuki Takayuki, Kenta Takahashi, Yousuke Kaga, Masayuki Yoshino, Noboru Kunihiro Secure Key-management Technology for Blockchain using Biometrics Information
Tomoki Moriya, Hiroshi Onuki, and Tsuyoshi Takagi How to Construct CSIDH on Edwards Curves
Yuji Koike, Takuya Hayashi, Takanori Isobe A Practical Leakage-Resilient Scheme using Big-key Encryptions
Yoshiki Abe, Mitsugu Iwamoto, Kazuo Ohta How to improve the private PEZ protocol for general functions
2018 Daisuke Kito and Yoshiaki Isobe Study of Security Risk of Cryptocurrency Exchange Service
Dang Duy Thang and Toshihiro Matsui White-box Attack on Google Machine Learning System
Erina Tatsumi, Kazuo Sakiyama and Takeshi Sugawara A Case Study of Row Hammer under Different Refresh Rates
Yuji Suga Alexa, Renew the Public Key and the Certificate (of Your TLS Sites)
2017 Tatsuya Suzuki, Keita Emura, Hayato Kimura, and Toshihiro Ohigashi Implementation Results of Privacy-Preserving and Public Verifiable Data Aggregation Protocols
Natsu Shoji, Ryuga Matsumura, Takeshi Sugawara, and Kazuo Sakiyama An Evaluation of Ineffective Fault Analysis on AES using Single-Bit Bit-Set/Reset Faults
Mitsuhiro Hattori, Takato Hirano, Nori Matsuda, Rina Shimizu, and Ye Wang Privacy-Utility Tradeoff for Applications Using Energy Disaggregation of Smart-Meter Data
2016 Eunkyung Kim and Mehdi Tibouchi FHE over the Integers and Modular Arithmetic Circuits
Yudai Nagamine, Naoto Yanai, Shingo Okamura, and Toru Fujiwara Malware for Protocol Misidentification
2015 Ai Ishida, Keita Emura, Goichiro Hanaoka, Yusuke Sakai, and Keisuke Tanaka Disavowability on Public Key Encryption with Non-interactive Opening
Akihiro Nishimura, Takuya Nishida, Yu-ichi Hayashi, Takaaki Mizuki, and Hideaki Sone Card-Based Cryptographic Protocols with Unordinary Shuffle
2014 Yohei Watanabe and Junji Shikata Information-Theoretically Secure Revocable-Storage Broadcast Encryption
2013 Shota Yamada, Nuttapong Attrapadung, Goichiro Hanaoka, and Noboru Kunihiro New Security Proof for a Variant of the BGW Broadcast Encryption Scheme
Yuntao Wang, Hui Zhang, and Tsuyoshi Takagi Improving BKZ Algorithm with Reordering Technique
2012 Takayuki YAMADA, Seiichi GOHSHI, and Isao ECHIZEN Privacy Visor: wearable device for privacy protection based on differences in sensory perception between humans and devices
Hui ZHANG and Tsuyoshi TAKAGI Cryptanalysis of Multi-prime RSA with Small Prime Difference
Takashi Yamakawa, Shota Yamada, Goichiro Hanaoka, and Noboru Kunihiro Bounded CCA Secure KEM from the Computational Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Assumption
Yuji Suga Optimal Construction of Graph-based Visual Secret Sharing Schemes for Multiple Secrets
2011 Ken Ichikawa and Kanta Matsuura Preventing execution of JIT shellcode by isolating running process
Kaori Tosu and Noboru Kunihiro Optimizing Bounds against Multi-Prime Phi-Hiding Problems
Yutaka Kawai Schnorr Signature May Not Be Secure under Several Diffie-Hellman Type Assumptions
Takayuki Yamada, Seiichi Gohshi, and Isao Echizen Method for preventing illegal recording of displayed content based on differences in sensory perception between humans and devices