Local information is here.
Vietnam-Japan International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation †
The Vietnam-Japan International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation will be held at Le Quy Don Technical University in Hanoi, Vietnam, from January 8 (Wednesday) to 10 (Friday), 2014. This symposium is sponsored and organized by the Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE/AP), and is held in cooperation with the Technical Committee on Radio Communication Systems of IEICE (IEICE/RCS), the Antennas and Propagation Society Japan Chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE AP-S Japan Chapter), the Radio-Electronics Association of Vietnam (REV), IEICE Vietnam Section, and IEEE Vietnam Section.
The symposium is intended to provide an international forum for the exchange of information on the progress of research and development in antennas, propagation, and radio communication systems. It is also an important objective of this symposium to enhance the friendship between Vietnamese and Japanese researchers.
Date: †
January 8-10, 2014
Venue †
Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam
Program at a Glance †
Jan. 8, 2014
09:00-09:10 | Opening Remark |
09:10-10:40 | Tutorial Workshop I : Advanced design of electrically small antennas Prof. Hiroyuki Arai (Yokohama National Univ.) |
10:50-12:20 | Tutorial Workshop II : Basic Techniques for the Antenna Measurements - Input Impedance and Pattern Measurements Prof. Nozomu Ishii (Niigata Univ.) |
12:20-13:30 | Lunch |
13:30-14:50 | Session I : Small Antennas |
15:00-15:40 | Session II : Measurement |
15:50-17:10 | Session III : Wireless Power Transmission |
17:20-18:00 | Session IV : Microwave Amplifier & Electromagnetics |
Jan. 9, 2014
09:00-10:30 | Tutorial Workshop III : Base station and terminal antenna technologies for wireless communication systems Prof. Keizo Cho (Chiba Inst. of Tech.) |
10:40-12:10 | Tutorial Workshop IV : Recent Development of the Mobile Network in Japan and its Evolution in the Future Dr. Yoshihiro Ishikawa (NTT DOCOMO, Inc.) |
12:10-13:20 | Lunch |
13:20-14:20 | Invited Talk I |
14:30-15:30 | Invited Talk II |
15:40-16:40 | Session V : Wideband, Multiband |
16:50-17:50 | Session VI : Spacediversity & MIMO |
19:00- | Banquet |
Jan. 10, 2014
09:00-10:20 | Session VII : Array Signal Processing |
10:30-11:50 | Session VIII : Aperture Antennas |
11:50-13:00 | Lunch |
13:00-14:20 | Session IX : Propagation |
14:30-15:30 | Session X : Receiving Technologies |
15:40-16:40 | Session XI : Metamaterial, EBG |
16:50-17:50 | Session XII : Array Antennas |
17:50-18:00 | Closing Address |
The detailed advance program is now available on the web page.
Information of Paper Submission to Technical Session †
(1) Submit your paper title, authors' names, and a 100-word abstract by October 10, 2013 via the following IEICE technical committee submission system.
(2) The corresponding author will receive an E-mail to announce an URL for submission of your paper. Following the instruction in the E-mail, please submit the final paper by November 30, 2013.
Note: Reprint Order Sheet and Speaker's Introduction Sheet are not necessary.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of paper title and authors: | October 10, 2013 |
Deadline for final paper submission: | November 30, 2013 |
Paper format, language, and template †
- The manuscript for the technical session should be printed on IEICE technical report format (A4, 2 columns, typically 4 pages, max. 6 pages) including figures and tables. All papers must be written in English.
Social event †
Banquet: January 9
Registration †
- All participants including speakers should preregister by the following form.
Registration Form
Note: If you cannot register by the above form, please contact the secretary.
- Registration fee (including the symposium proceedings, 3 lunches, and banquet)
| Vietnamese* | Japanese and Others |
Regular | 1,000,000 VND | 250 USD |
Student | 400,000 VND | 100 USD |
* IEICE will provide financial support on the digests for Vietnamese people.
- Registration fee should be paid in cash on site. Credit card payment and bank transfer are not available.
Accommodations (only for Japanese) †
ハノイホテル/フォーチュナホテルをAP研幹事の方で手配いたします。現地世話人のQuoc Dinh Nguyen先生(Le Quy Don Technical University)のご尽力により、Web予約よりも安価な団体価格で提供できる見込みです。ご予約をご希望される方はAP研幹事までご連絡ください。(どちらのホテルになるかは空室状況によりますので、予めご了承ください。)
Transportation (only for Japanese) †
Organizing committee †
- General Chairs
Prof. Hiroyuki Arai, Yokohama National University, Japan
Prof. Quoc Trinh Do, Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam
- Technical Program Chairs
Prof. Keizo Cho, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan
Prof. Xuan-Nam Tran, Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam
- Local Arrangement
Prof. Quoc Dinh Nguyen, Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam
- Secretaries
Dr. Toru Takahashi, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan
Prof. Kunio Sakakibara, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Prof. Naobumi Michishita, National Defense Academy, Japan
- Advisory Board
Prof. Toru Uno, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Prof. Nobuyoshi Kikuma, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Prof. Yoshihide Yamada, National Defense Academy, Japan
Prof. Hisashi Morishita, National Defense Academy, Japan
Prof. Thanh Hai Vu, Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam
Prof. Ngoc Binh Nguyen, University of Engineering and Technology, IEICE Viet Nam Section Chair, Vietnam
Contact person †
Dr. Toru Takahashi (Mitsubishi Electric)
Please use the above address by replacing (a) as @.