- KJAP2013の情報を以下に示します(英語のみのKJAP2013会議案内)
- 関連ファイルは一番下の添付ファイルよりダウンロードして下さい(別途お送りするメールにも添付します)。
2013 Korea-Japan Workshop on Antennas and Propagation (KJAP2013) †
- Date: 9 – 11 January, 2013
- Venue: Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea
The 2013 Korea-Japan Workshop on Antennas and Propagation will be held at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea, on January 9 – 11, 2013. This workshop is organized by the Technical Group on Antennas and Propagation of the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering Science (KIEES) and cosponsored by Antennas and Propagation Society of the IEEE Seoul Section and the Technical Group of Antennas and Propagation of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE).
Topics †
- Antennas: Theory, Design, Measurement, etc.
- Electromagnetic Field Theory & Computational Electromagnetics
- Microwave Measurement Techniques and Applications
- Remote Sensing
- RFID/USN, UWB, etc.
- Microwave Devices and Techniques
- Signal Processing & Systems (MIMO, Smart Antenna, SDR, etc.)
- Radio Communications and Broadcasting Techniques/Policy and Standardization
- Any Other Relevant Topics
Paper Submission Information †
All papers for the workshop must be written in English. The paper must be A4 one page length written in MS word format. Please refer to the paper format of the KIEES conference proceedings at the KIEES home page ( The paper template is also available upon request: Also, please refer to the attached “template.doc” file in this page.
- Submission Deadline: December 8, 2012
Registration fee †
- 25,000 JPY or 350,000 KRW (Regular) (includes workshop proceedings, 1 lunch & 2 dinners)
Hotel †
Recommended hotel: Tourist Hotel Masters (tentative - This may change.)(77,000 KRW/night including breakfast) (We will make reservations for you.)
- Recommended hotel: Ramada Plaza Gwangju Hotel: 121,000 KRW/night + breakfast (19,800 KRW)
Access from Incheon Airport †
Venue †
The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) is a research-oriented university that focuses on the essential fields of applied science and engineering. The Institute was founded in 1993 by the Korean government to meet the nation’s need for advanced research and to enhance the development of higher education in science and engineering. GIST takes a leading role in performing research and development in cooperation with industry sectors. In the World University Rankings 2012 announced on September 10th by QS, Britain’s global university appraisal institute, GIST earned a ranking of seventh in the world in the category of ‘Citations per Faculty.’
GIST is located in the Gwangju Science and Technology Park in a northern suburb of Gwangju. The city of Gwangju is situated 200 miles south of Seoul and 150 miles west of Pusan. Gwangju is well known for its cultural activities. In 1995, the city began hosting the Gwangju Biennale, a biennial international art Olympiad, on a regular basis. Gwangju is also famous for its excellent cuisine. In the downtown area of Gwangju, one can find many restaurants, movie theaters and shops, including big department stores. The city can be easily reached by air, road and rail from Seoul, Pusan and other major cities throughout the nation.
Conference Chairs †
- Dr. Jin-Seob Kang, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Korea
- Prof. Toru Uno, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Organizing Committee Chairs †
- Prof. Kyeong-Sik Min, Korea Maritime University, Korea
- Prof. Nobuyoshi Kikuma, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Technical Program Chairs †
- Prof. Kangwook Kim, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
- Prof. Nozomu Ishii, Niigata University, Japan
Misc †
- The papers must be presented by the responsible/corresponding author (not
- Due to the limited presentation slots, the number of paper presentation
may be limited.
- Participants without paper presentation are also welcome.
AP研幹事の補足 †
- 出席者・発表者リスト締切:12/1(土) → 日本側の締切: 11/28(水)厳守,AP研幹事宛メールで連絡
- 投稿締切:12/8(土) → 日本側の締切: 12/5(水)厳守,研究会申込システムでアップロード
- 登録料は現地で現地通貨払いになります.
- [11/28/2012] 現地推奨ホテルがRamada Plaza Gwangju Hotelに変更となりました。
KJAP2013参加者向けの情報 [2012年11月5日更新] †
作業のお願い †
出席される方(発表される方を含む)【締切:11月28日(水)】 †
- 別途メール添付させて頂きましたExcelファイルの例にならって,氏名,所属,発表の有無,宿泊の
- 11月20日(火)までに頂けると韓国側の事前調査に間に合います.著者リスト,発表タイトルはTBDで構いませんので,御協力をお願いします.
発表される方【投稿締切:12月5日(水)】 †
- 研究会申込システムへの仮登録
- 下記より仮登録をお願いします。
- 著者は発表者,タイトルはTBDとし,(*)の欄はエラーが出ないように適当に埋めて下さい(テンプレートのままで可).
- アップロード手順
[IEICE] URL for Submission - AP - 2013-01-AP - xxxxxx xxxxxx - 59f7649b
というタイトルのメールが届きましたら,Upload Fileの項目のManuscriptの部分で,File Formatをdoc形式を選んで,予稿(ワードファイル)をアップロードします.
- Reprint Order Sheet および Speaker's Introduction Sheetのアップロードは不要です.
- 〔注意〕韓国側の指定はWord formatですので,pdf形式でアップロードをしないで下さい.
- それから、もう一通
[IEICE] Submission - NEW - AP - 2013-01-AP - xxxxxx xxxxxx - 59f7649b
フライト情報 †
- フライトの手配は各自でお願いします.
- Welcome Receptionにご参加の方は,1月9日(水) 18:00頃までにホテルにチェックインできるようにお願いします.
2013年1月9日(水) †
- 羽田→金浦
- JL091 羽田(08:25) → 金浦(11:00)
- NH1161 羽田(08:55) → 金浦(11:25)
- KE2712 羽田(9:45) → 金浦(12:15)
- OZ1075 羽田(10:00) → 金浦(12:20)
- NH1163 羽田(11:30) → 金浦(14:00)
- 名古屋→仁川
- KE752 名古屋(9:30) → 仁川(11:35)
- 新潟→仁川
- KE764 新潟(9:30) → 仁川(12:00)
- 金浦→光州
- OZ8705 金浦(13:30) → 光州(14:20)
- KE1305 金浦(15:00) → 光州(15:50)
2013年1月11日(金) †
- 光州→金浦
- OZ8704 光州(11:10) → 金浦(12:00)
- KE1300 光州(11:35) → 金浦(12:25)
- OZ8706 光州(14:10) → 金浦(15:00)
- KE1306 光州(16:35) → 金浦(17:25)
- OZ8708 光州(17:50) → 金浦(18:40)
- 金浦→羽田
- OZ1045 金浦(15:50) → 羽田(17:55)
- KE2709 金浦(16:30) → 羽田(18:35)
- NH1164 金浦(16:40) → 羽田(18:45)
- JL092 金浦(19:20) → 羽田(21:25)
- KE2709 金浦(19:40) → 羽田(21:45)
- OZ1085 金浦(20:00) → 羽田(21:55)
- NH1166 金浦(20:15) → 羽田(22:15)
- 仁川→名古屋
- KE751 仁川(19:00) → 名古屋(20:50)
- 仁川→新潟
- KE763 仁川(18:00) → 新潟(19:50)