2017 Asian Workshop on Antennas and Propagation †
Jun. 28-30 2017, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Memories of AWAP2017 †

Photos of AWAP2017 are available from the following links (jump to Google site).
<AWAP 2017 Electromagnetic Award>
- Prof. Monai Krairiksh (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
<AWAP 2017 Young Scientist Award>
- Tomohiro Komatsu (Iwate University)
“Performance of propagation-path identification using FDTD method and compressive sensing”
- Naoki Akiyama (National Defense Academy)
“Fundamental Study on Small Handset Antenna Using Characteristic Mode Analysis”
- Tatsuya Nagayama (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
“60 GHz-Band Antenna Beam Forming by Radio-over-Fiber with Variable Delay Line”
- Toshinori Kudo (Tohoku University)
“Development of Multi-Band Compact Antipodal Tapered Slot Antenna for Cellular Base Stations”
- Tae Heung Lim (Hongik University)
“Design of a small dual-band array antenna with superstrate loading for tuning the dual-frequency-band ratio”
- Woo Cheol Choi (Yonsei University)
“Design of Transmitarray Lens Antenna for Improving Treatment Effects in Superficial Hyperthermia”
Information †
The AWAP2017 will be held at Hokkaido University in Sapparo, Hokkaido, Japan, during June 28-30, 2017. This workshop is organized by the Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation of IEICE, Japan, and will comprise several technical sessions including oral sessions by invited speakers and poster sessions for the exchange of information on the progress of research and development in antennas, propagation, and related fields, and some social events to promote friendship among the participants.
Call for paper is here.
Venue †
Frontier Research in Applied Sciences Building, Sapporo Campus, Hokkaido University.
Tentative Schedule †
Prospective authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of up to 2 pages. Accepted papers can be downloaded at the conference website.
April 1~30, 2017 :Paper registration
May 31, 2017 :Paper submission Deadline
June 10, 2017 :PDF Booklet Finalized
June 28~30, 2017 :Conference
(June 28: Poster Session & Reception, June 29: Invited Session & Banquet, June 30: Reserved)
Conference program †
Social event †
Instructions for presenters †
- Poster presentation (poster session)
The presenters should prepare the printed version of your own poster.
Each poster should be vertical, of size up to A0 (the board size is W86cm *
The poster session area will be set up in the foyer of the conference venue.
You are required to stay close to your poster to explain it to people who
may come and ask questions.
The presenters in the first or second sessions can attach your poster before
the session starts (- 14:00) or during the coffee break ((15:15 - 15:30),
Among all presenters, a few AWAP2017 Young Scientist Award winners will be
selected and announced in the award ceremony on June 29th.
- Oral presentation (invited paper session)
20-minute time slot is assigned to each talk (17 minutes for talk + 3
minutes for Q&A)
Information of Paper Submission †
(1) Submit your paper title, authors' names, and a 100-word abstract by April 30, 2017 May 8, 2017 via the following IEICE technical committee submission system.
Paper registration
- For Japanese
Paper registration was closed because the number of applications have already reached the quota.
Copyright of the submitted paper remains in the authors.
Please ignore the copyright check in the paper registration system.
For Japanese:
(2) The corresponding author will receive an E-mail to announce an URL for submission of your paper. Following the instruction in the E-mail, please submit the final paper by May 31, 2017.
Note: Reprint Order Sheet and Speaker's Introduction Sheet are not necessary.
Paper Format, Language, and Template †
- The manuscript for the technical session should be printed on IEICE technical report format (A4, 2 columns, max. 2 pages) including figures and tables. All papers must be written in English.
Registration †
Regular: 30,000 JPY
Student: 10,000 JPY
- On-site registration (cash only)
For Japanese participants, please register at the following form by June 9
Payment is only acceptable by cash on site.
Note: If you cannot register by the above form, please contact the secretary.
国内参加者は,上記の Registration Form にて必ず登録を済ませてください.
Local information and Accommodation †
Committee †
- General Co-Chairs
Prof. Qiang Chen, Tohoku University, Japan
Prof. Ikmo Park, Ajou University, Korea
Prof. Prayoot Akkaraekthalin, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand
- Vice-Chair
Prof. Hisato Iwai, Doshisha University, Japan
- Technical Program Co-Chairs
Prof, Eisuke Nishiyama, Saga University, Japan
Prof. Kangwook Kim, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Prof. Sarawuth Chaimool, Innovative Electromagnetics Academy of Thailand (iEMAT)
- Award Chair
Prof, Kunio Sakakibara, Nagoya Inst. Tech., Japan
- Secretaries
Prof. Minseok Kim, Niigata University, Japan
Prof. Jae-Young Chung, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea
Prof. Akkarat Boonpoonga, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand
- Local Arrangement
Prof. Takashi Hikage, Hokkaido University, Japan
For more information †
Please contact Prof. Minseok Kim, AWAP 2017 Secretary, for any questions.
E-mail: mskim(a) (Please replace (a) to @.)