
* 2017 Asian Workshop on Antennas and Propagation [#pa30388a]

//** Memories of AWAP2014 


//> Photos of AWAP2014 are available from the following links (jump to Google site).

//- [[Oral sessions:https://plus.google.com/photos/106965251324779110799/albums/6034882700237239521?authkey=CLH1mP-OsLHYggE]]

//- [[Poster sessions:https://plus.google.com/photos/106965251324779110799/albums/6034884836028187681?authkey=CI3Ru4LLpIHY-QE]]

//- [[Banquet:https://plus.google.com/photos/106965251324779110799/albums/6034904666456121857?authkey=CPjdnPuv9tzoWA]]

** INFORMATION [#ee13cb34]
//** May 14-16, 2014, The Kanazawa Theatre (Kanazawa, Japan) 

> The AWAP2017 will be held at Hokkaido University in Sapparo, Hokkaido, Japan, during June 28-30, 2017. This workshop is organized by the Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation of IEICE, Japan. The AWAP2017 will organize several technical sessions including oral sessions by invited speakers and poster sessions for the exchange of information on the progress of research and development in antennas, propagation, and related fields, and some social events to promote friendship among the participants.

//** Objective 

//> AWAP2014 is a former KJAP (Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Antennas and Propagation) and is grown to the Asian Workshop in which all researchers and students are welcome from any countries from all over the world. It is intended to provide an international forum for the exchange of information on the progress of research and development in antennas, propagation, and related fields. It is also an important objective of this meeting to promote mutual interaction among participants.

//** Important dates &color(red){(updated)}; 

//- Registration deadline of title, authors and 100-word abstract: Feb. 17, 2014

//- Manuscript submission deadline: &color(red){March 31, 2014};

//- &color(red){On-line Registration deadline: April 10, 2014};

//> [[Registration Form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kYW8pX-2meBTW0YLNYdIEQIavJLfI1OOBGSqJHzMM5w/viewform]]

//- Workshop: May 14-16, 2014

//** Workshop schedule &color(red){(updated)}; 

//> May 14 (Wed.) Committee meeting
//> May 15 (Thu.) Opening ceremony, Technical session, Banquet party
//> May 16 (Fri.) Technical session, Poster session, Closing ceremony

//** Sessions 

//> Not only oral sessions but also poster sessions will be organized in the workshop. Some student papers may be presented in the poster sessions depending on the number of submissions.

//- &ref(AWAP2014_Program.pdf,,A technical Program is opened.);  &color(red){(updated on Apr. 27, 2014)};

//** Paper submission 

//- Manuscripts are limited to 2 pages (typically 1 page). All papers must be written in English. Only PDF files are accepted.

//- &ref(AWAP2014.doc,,Manuscript template (MS-word only));

//- For Japanese

//> 研究会申込み方式でお願いいたします。2月10日までに、論文タイトル、著者名、概要(約100ワード)等を入力ください。自動返信メイルに従い、3月27日までに原稿をアップロード願います。

//> http://www.ieice.org/ken/program/index.php?tgid=AP&lang=l

//> AWAP2014の講演は、AP研活性化貢献賞および若手・学生奨励賞の受賞対象講演となります。

//- For Korean

//> Prof. Kangwook Kim (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Gwangju, South Korea) takes care of all submissions from Korea. If you want to submit, please contact to him (mkkim(a)gist.ac.kr). (Please replace (a) to @.)

//- For participants from other countries

//> Please send all the information of your paper (Title, Authors’ names, 100-word abstract, E-mail address of the corresponding author) until Feb. 10, 2014 to the secretary (ap_ac-secretary(a)mail.ieice.org). (Please replace (a) to @.)

//> Then, your manuscript is requested to send to the same E-mail address until March 27, 2014.

//** Social event 

//> Banquet party will be held at the evening on May 15, 2014.

//** Registration 

//- All participants including speakers should pre-register by the following form.

//> [[Registration Form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kYW8pX-2meBTW0YLNYdIEQIavJLfI1OOBGSqJHzMM5w/viewform]]

//> Registration Form

//> Note: If you cannot register by the above form, please contact the secretary.

//- Registration fee (including the symposium proceedings, 2 lunches, and banquet)

//> Regular 25,000 JPY
//> Student 10,000 JPY

//- Registration fee should be paid in cash of JPY on site. Credit card payment and bank transfer are not available.

** Venue [#yf5ffc6d]

> Frontier Research in Applied Sciences Building, Sapporo Campus, Hokkaido University. 

//> 6-27, Shimo-Honda-cho, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan

> https://www.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/maps/?id=133


> Prospective authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of up to 2 pages. Accepted papers can be downloaded at the conference website.~

April 1 ~ 30, 2017: Application~
May 31, 2017: Paper submission Deadline~
June 10, 2017: PDF Booklet Finalized~
June 28 ~ 30, 2017: Conference~
(June 28: Poster Session & Reception, June 29: Invited Session & Banquet, June 30: Reserved)

//** Transportation 

//> 10 min. walk from the center of Kanazawa downtown

//> 20 min. from Kanazawa Station by bus

//> 50 min. from Komatsu Airport by bus

//> 1 hour flight from Tokyo International Airport to Komatsu Airport

//** Accommodation 

//> Japanese people are requested to make a reservation by theirselves.~
//Foreign people can be advised for accommodation information.~
//Please contact to the secretary.

//** Introduction of Kanazawa City 

//> Kanazawa, one of the biggest cities on the northern coast of Japan, has a population of 450,000. Kanazawa is a castle town for three centuries after the first lord Toshiie Maeda entered Kanazawa Castle in 1583. 

//> The city is surrounded by the Japan Alps, Hakusan National Park and Noto Peninsula National Park. Such a natural background of great beauty gives the city a relaxed feeling. The development of its special products like rice, sake, sweets, etc. was due to its temperate and rainy climate with heavy snow in winter. Rich seafood is provided from the sea just in front.

//> Since the Kaga Clan invited many artists and craftsmen to this area, it achieved a high level of craftsmanship that continues to flourish to this day. The buildings that gave birth to these traditions stand tranquilly and blend in with the modern atmosphere in Kanazawa to create a charming ancient castle town. 

//** Local information 

//> Kanazawa tourist information guide

//> http://www.kanazawa-tourism.com/

//** Organization 

//- Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)

//- Technical Group on Antennas and Propagation of the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science (KIEES)

//- Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and 
Information Technology Association of Thailand (ECTI Thailand)
//Information Technology Association of Thailand (ECTI Thailand)

** COMMITTEE [#d6999352]

- General Co-Chairs
- General Co-Chairs~
Prof. Qiang Chen, Tohoku University, Japan~
Prof. Ikmo Park, Ajou University, Korea~
To be added

> Prof. Qiang Chen, Tohoku University, Japan
> Prof. Ikmo Park, Ajou University, Korea
> To be added
- Vice-Chair~
Prof. Hisato Iwai, Doshisha University, Japan

- Vice-Chair
- Technical Program Co-Chairs~
Prof, Eisuke Nishiyama, Saga University, Japan~
Prof. Kangwook Kim, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea~
To be added

> Prof. Hisato Iwai, Doshisha University, Japan

- Technical Program Co-Chairs 

>Prof, Eisuke Nishiyama, Saga University, Japan 

>Prof. Kangwook Kim, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

>To be added

//- Local Arrangement

//> Prof. Toshikazu Hori (Chair, University of Fukui, Japan)
//> Prof. Satoshi Yagitani (Kanazawa University, Japan)
//> Prof. Keisuke Noguchi (Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan)

- Secretaries
- Secretaries~
Prof. Minseok Kim, Niigata University, Japan~
Prof. Jae-Young Chung, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea~
To be added

> Prof. Minseok Kim, Niigata University, Japan 
- Local Arrangement~
Prof. Takashi Hikage, Hokkaido University, Japan 

> Prof. Jae-Young Chung, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea

> To be added

- Local Arrangement

> Prof. Takashi Hikage, Hokkaido University, Japan 

** For more information [#s125008a]

> Kunio Sakakibara (Nagoya Institute of Tecnology) 
> Please contact Prof. Minseok Kim, AWAP 2017 Secretary, for any questions. 

> E-mail: ap_ac-secretary(a)mail.ieice.org (Please replace (a) to @.)
> E-mail:  mskim(a)eng.niigata-u.ac.jp (Please replace (a) to @.)