
タイトル In-Band Full-Duplex-Applicable Area Expansion by Inter-User Interference Reduction Using Successive Interference Cancellation
著者名 Shota MORIKeiichi MIZUTANIHiroshi HARADA
Vol.E105-B, No.2, pp.168-176
種別 B000000
キーワード 5G,in-band full-duplex,dynamic duplex cellular,inter-user interference,successive interference cancellation
要旨 In-band full-duplex (IBFD) has been an attractive technology, which can theoretically double the spectral efficiency. However, when performing IBFD in the dynamic-duplex cellular (DDC) system, inter-user interference (IUI) deteriorates transmission performance in downlink (DL) communication and limits IBFD-applicable area and IBFD application ratio. In this paper, to expand the IBFD-applicable area and improve the IBFD application ratio, we propose an IUI reduction scheme using successive interference cancellation (SIC) for the DDC system. SIC can utilize the power difference and reduce the signal with the higher power. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is evaluated by the computer simulation. The IUI reducing effect on the IBFD-inapplicable area is confirmed when the received power of the IUI is stronger than that of the desired signal at the user equipment for DL (DL-UE). The IBFD-inapplicable area within 95m from the DL-UE, where the IBFD does not work without the proposed scheme, can reduce by 43.6% from 52.8% to 9.2% by applying the proposed scheme. Moreover, the IBFD application ratio can improve by 24.6% from 69.5% to 94.1%.
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