
Technical Report
Presentation 2004/2/12
Prediction method of LF/MF field strengths
Noboru WAKAI, Noriyuki KURIHARA, Atsushi OTSUKA, Kuniyasu IMAMURA,
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Abstract(in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Abstract(in English) The computerized method for predicting the LF/MF field strength is developed. It provides not only sky-wave components but also resultant field strengths of 1-and 2-hop sky-wave and ground-wave received over the ground ranges up to 4000 km covering frequency ranges from 40 to 500 kHz. The temporal variations of field strengths and phase angles received at a fixed point are also calculated. The field strength predicted with the method shows good agreement with values measured at Koganei where JJY 40 kHz and 60 kHz standard frequency waves are being received.
Keyword(in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Keyword(in English) LF/MF / Prediction method / Field strength / Sky-wave / Ground-wave / Radio Wave Propagation / Recommendation P.684
Paper # A・P2003-271
Date of Issue
Conference Information
Committee AP
Conference Date 2004/2/12(1days)
Place (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Place (in English)
Topics (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Topics (in English)
Vice Chair
Paper Information
Registration To Antennas and Propagation (A・P)
Language JPN
Title (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Sub Title (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Title (in English) Prediction method of LF/MF field strengths
Sub Title (in English)
Keyword(1) LF/MF
Keyword(2) Prediction method
Keyword(3) Field strength
Keyword(4) Sky-wave
Keyword(5) Ground-wave
Keyword(6) Radio Wave Propagation
Keyword(7) Recommendation P.684
1st Author's Name Noboru WAKAI
1st Author's Affiliation Institution for the Advancement of Telecommunications()
2nd Author's Name Noriyuki KURIHARA
2nd Author's Affiliation Communications Research Laboratories
3rd Author's Name Atsushi OTSUKA
3rd Author's Affiliation Communications Research Laboratories
4th Author's Name Kuniyasu IMAMURA
4th Author's Affiliation Communications Research Laboratories
Date 2004/2/12
Paper # A・P2003-271
Volume (vol) vol.103
Number (no) 655
Page pp.pp.-
#Pages 6
Date of Issue