
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation


Session Number:3C22



Circular Monopole Antenna Stability with Regard to Ground Plane Size

Owais, Magnus Karlsson,  Shaofang Gong,  


Publication Date:2008/10/27

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Wireless communications for short range and high data rate require wideband operation that necessitates the demand for miniaturized, low cost and low profile antennas. Miniaturized planar monopole antennas provide wide impedance bandwidth for wireless personal area network applications [1]. Different monopole shapes have been considered and a lot of research has been made to improve the bandwidth and reduce the size by changing the antenna shape [2]-[4]. The radiator part has been the main focus of research to find a shape that provides wide bandwidth [3]-[4], as well on studying how the ground plane affects the bandwidth of antennas. Wide bandwidth has been obtained by bevelling the radiator [5] and use of a modified ground plane [6]. Planar monopoles with parasitic elements and slots give also a wideband [7]. It has been documented that the finite size of the ground plane is an important factor for the antenna performance [8]. Planar monopoles have a benefit of being low cost and compatible to printed circuit board (PCB) allowing compact design. Since the ground plane is coplanar with the antenna, it necessitates that its stability should not change when integrated in PCB with different ground plane size of adjoining circuits. To avoid pre-tuning and achieve cost effectiveness, system development requires a stable planar monopole antenna that can be integrated without depreciation of its performance. This paper studies in detail the effect of ground plane dimension, width and length, on the stability of the coplanar monopole antenna, by changing the ground plane size while keeping feedline and feedap constant. The parametric investigation supported by simulation and experimental results is conducted in this paper to give insights to the stability issue that have not been reported before.