
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation


Session Number:2B1b



Efficient Design Approach of RF-DC Conversion Circuit Including Undesirable Radiation

Tatsuya Takagaki,  Tsunayuki Yamamoto,  Kazuhiro Fujimori,  Minoru Sanagi,  Shigeji Nogi,  


Publication Date:2006/11/2

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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A rectenna is one of the most important components for a wireless power transmission. For an efficient system, a rectenna must be designed with high radio frequency to direct current conversion efficiency. For optimizing the rectenna site for the SSPS or the RFID system, the radiation and the other output power from the circuit must be investigated. With the extended FDTD method, it is possible to investigate the radiation power of the circuit into the space as well as the RF-DC conversion efficiency. In addition, the consumption power at the diode and the reflection and the harmonics power causing the re-radiation and the spurious from the antenna are considered with this method.