
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation


Session Number:1A2b



Effect of the Relative Feed Position on a Triple-Mode Dielectric Resonator Antenna

Georgios Almpanis,  Christophe Fumeaux,  Ruediger Vahldieck,  


Publication Date:2006/11/2

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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This paper discusses the effect of the position of a dielectric resonator (DR) on the resonances of a double- bowtie- slot fed dielectric resonator antenna (DRA). In this structure, a particularly wide impedance bandwidth is obtained due to the combination of the two slot modes with the DR mode. The fundamental HEM11δ mode of the cylindrical DR radiates as a horizontal magnetic dipole and thus, stable radiation patterns and linear polarization are expected within the entire operational bandwidth of the DRA. However, the interference between the two bowtie slots might result in non-broadside radiation at higher frequencies. In this study an investigation is carried out, which demonstrates the effect of the position of the DR on top of the feeding structure upon the radiation characteristics of the DRA.