
Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:B2L-C



Verifying chaotic dynamics from experimental data

Michael Small,  David M. Walker,  Antoinette Tordesillas,  


Publication Date:

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Often, one is faced with measured time series data from some (presumed to be deterministic) dynamical system. The problem is to correctly infer the true, or at least, likely, underlying dynamical system from data alone. A variety of methods exist to achieve this — under the general umbrella on nonlinear modeling and machine learning. These methods fit a surface (usually smooth) to the data in such a way that that surface can be used as a proxy for the evolution operator of the original system. Unfortunately, different methods produce different results. Worse still, due to the nonlinearity inherent to the problem, even the same method will produce a range of distinct local minima. The aim of this report is to apply an ensemble of dynamical measures of system behaviour to show how one can determine which models behave most like the underlying data.


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