
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility


Session Number:24S3



Method for Predicting the Lightning Strip Protection Area Using the FDTD Method

M. Kawabata,  T. Tokunaga,  


Publication Date:2009/7/20

Online ISSN:2188-5079


PDF download (387KB)

A radome is a weatherproof enclosure that protects an antenna from various weather hazards such as rain and hailstorm. In general, radomes are constructed using a dielectric material to minimize the attenuation of electromagnetic signals. In addition, lightning diverter strips can be placed on the radome for protecting the antenna from a lightning stroke. In this study, we propose a new method to predict the protection area of lightning strips using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method and to develop an optimum design for the arrangement of the lightning strips. A comparison between a flat plate and a curved plate with one lightning strip and that between one lightning strip and two lightning strips placed on the curved plate are demonstrated using the FDTD method. The lightning protection area of the curved plate with one lightning strip is slightly smaller than that of the flat plate. The lightning protection area of the curved plate with two lightning strips is slightly greater than that of two overlapping protection areas of one strip.