
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:B3L-A



A Combinatorial Optimization Method which Combines Ant Colony Optimization and Chaotic Dynamical

Hideki Igeta,  Mikio Hasegawa,  


Publication Date:2010/9/5

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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There are various combinatorial optimization problems in various fields, such as science, engineering, economy and so on. For heuristic solution search in combinatorial optimization problems, the chaotic dynamics has been shown effective by many studies. Such chaotic search algorithm is based on an improvement of the solutions by some local search heuristics. In order to improve the performance of algorithm, the tabu search and gradient search have been combined with global search algorithms, such as the genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization and so on. In such hybrid approach, the ant colony optimization has the better performance than the genetic hybrid. In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid method that combines the chaotic neural tabu search, which is besed on neighboring search and the ant colony optimization. Our results show that the proposed hybrid algorithm has better performance than the original chaotic search and its hybrid with the genetic algorithm.