
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:B2L-C



Application of Open-Plus-Closed-Loop Control to Secure Communications Using Chaos Masking

Yusuke Yoshida,  Takaya Miyano,  


Publication Date:2010/9/5

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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We have applied the open-plus-closedloop control method, recently devised by Grosu et al., to secure communications using chaos masking. In our method, a message is treated as part of the parameter mismatch between the chaotic oscillators installed on a drive and a response system. In the drive system, a message is added to the state variable of the chaotic oscillator as dynamical noise and thus the time-integrated message is encrypted by the chaotic signal. In the response system, the message is decrypted by subtracting the chaotic carrying signal reproduced by chaotic synchronization using the open-plus-closed-loop control method from the received signal, followed by differentiation with respect to time. We show our experiment for the encryption and decryption of an actual speech signal to assess the performance of our method.