
2011 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications


Session Number:A3L-E



Experimental Observations of Strange Non-Chaotic Attractors from a Chaotic Neuron Integrated Circuit

Seiji Uenohara,  Yoshihiko Horio,  Takahito Mitsui,  Kazuyuki Aihara,  


Publication Date:2011/9/4

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Strange non-chaotic attractors are observed experimentally in a chaotic neuron integrated circuit that implements a chaotic neuron model driven by an external quasiperiodic signal. Lyapunov and phase sensitivity ex- ponents are used to classify the observed attractors into the following three types: 1) chaotic attractors; 2) tori; and 3) strange non-chaotic attractors. In experiments, it is gener- ally difficult to extract precise values for the non-positive largest Lyapunov exponents from the resulting time se- ries. Therefore, a mathematical model of the circuit is constructed, such that the attractors obtained from the ex- perimental behavior can be reproduced accurately in sim- ulations. By analyzing the mathematical model instead of directly analyzing the time series from the circuit, the ob- served attractors are successfully characterized, including SNAs.