
Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:A2L-C



Discrete analysis in obstacle clustering by heterogeneous robots

Yuichiro SUEOKA,  Takuto KITA,  Masato ISHIKAWA,  Yasuhiro SUGIMOTO,  Koichi OSUKA,  


Publication Date:

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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In this paper, we discuss some phenomena of obstacle clustering by distributed autonomous robots, in the light of space-discretization (or cellular automata) approach. This work was motivated by Swiss Robots, which collect scattered obstacles into some clusters without any global information nor intelligent concentrated controller. Then we define fundamental event rules in this cellular world, and introduce two types of local rules for robot action: one is the Push & Turn rule, which can collect obstacles, the other is Pull & Turn rule, which can scatter obstacles. By defining a indix (ratio of immobile obstacles), we investigate the dynamic equilibrium of obstacle clustering by heterogeneous agents.


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