
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:3-1-3



Development of Virtual Dynamic Environment for Autonomous Robots

Ken Sugawara,  


Publication Date:2005/10/18

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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In multi-robot system, communication is indispensable for effective cooperative working. In this system, direct communication by physical methods such as light, sound, radio wave etc. is quite general, but the communication by chemical methods, which play important roles in biological systems, has not been treated because of some technical difficulties. This paper shows virtual pheromone system in which chemical signals are simulated with the graphics projected on the floor, and in which the robots decide their action depending on the color information of the graphics using the color sensors. Performance of this system is discussed by the experiments of foraging task and the division of labor, which are generally observed in ant societies, and often treated as the task for multi-robot system in robotics.