
International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications


Session Number:P1



Photometric Stereo with Relit Images from a Single Frontal Face Image

Junhyeop Lee,  Kyungjae Lee,  Sanyoon Lee ,  


Publication Date:2016/7/10

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Converting 2D images to 3D models using photometric stereo is a long-standing problem. Works on photometric stereo method have been reported that it requires multiple images at least three images upto thousands images with varying poses and illumination direction to generate a depth map. We focus on this issue and propose a solution for photometric stereo with relit face images from a single face frontal image. First, with a relighting method, we can augment face images based on reference images with varying illumination directions. Using the generated virtual faces, relit face images, we can estimate surface normals using the Lambertian model and depth map using surface normals from photometric stereo method.