
International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications


Session Number:M3-4



Analysis of Throughput Achieved by Contention-based MAC Scheme in Wireless Passive Sensor Networks: Case Study

Heewon Seo,  Jun Ha,  Jin Kyung Park,  Cheon Won Choi ,  


Publication Date:2016/7/10

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Different from a conventional wireless sensor network, a wireless passive sensor network distinctively has RF sources, which feed energy to sensor nodes by radiating RF waves. Against theoretical expectations about an eternal life, a wireless passive sensor network suffers from many practical difficulties; scarcity of energy, non-simultaneity of energy reception and data transmission and inefficiency in allocating time resource. Perceiving such difficulties, we consider a contention-based MAC scheme, which is rooted in framed and slotted ALOHA, for sensor nodes to transmit packets to a sink node. Then, we analytically investigate the network-wide throughput attained by the MAC scheme when the sensor nodes are randomly scattered in the initial phase and the transmitted packets experience path losses. Especially, in a network consisting of 3 sensor nodes, we derive the exact throughput formula in a closed form. The numerical examples produced by the throughput formula confirm that the contention-based MAC scheme can be optimized as to achieve maximum throughput by properly deciding the length of an acting interval.