
Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications


Session Number:15-PM1-F



Fair joint multiple resource allocation method in all-IP networks

Kenichi HATAKEYAMA,  Shigehiro TSUMURA,  Shin-ichi KURIBAYASHI,  


Publication Date:2008/10/14

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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In all-IP networks including NGN, both computing and network resources are required to be allocated simultaneously to each service request. The authors proposed optimal joint resource allocation methods for multiple resource types. Although those methods can achieve an efficient use of resources, it may result in an ‘unfair’ use of resources in which resources may be monopolized by a specific service.
This paper proposes basic principles for achieving ‘fairness’ among multiple services, assuming that both computing and network resources are required to be allocated simultaneously to each service request, and proposes a measure for evaluating fair allocation. Next, this paper proposes a fair joint multiple resource allocation method which tries to equalize the total amount of key resources allocated for each service in each time block. Key resource is the resource type for which the total amount of requested resource is the largest proportion of the maximum resource of that type. It is demonstrated by simulation evaluations that the proposed method enables fair allocation among multiple services.