The 2017 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA2017)

number title/author
A2L-B-1IC Prototyping of a Switched-Current a/D Converter Circuit Based on the Golden Ratio Encoder
Yoshihiko Horio, Takayoshi Fujino,
A2L-B-2Analysis and Simulation of a Chaos-Based Random Number Generator for Applications in Security
Salih Ergun,
A2L-B-3An Improved Formulation of Feature Values in Passive Reflectionless Transmission-Line Model Based on the Cochlea
Takemori Orima, Yoshihiko Horio,
A2L-B-4A Programmable Architecture Based on Vectorized EVBDDs for Network Intrusion Detection Using Random Forests
Binbin Xue, Shinobu Nagayama, Masato Inagi, Shin'Ichi Wakabayashi,
A2L-B-5Mean Square Quantization Error of Golden Ratio Encoders
Koji Itaya, Yutaka Jitsumatsu,