International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation ISAP 2009

number title/author
3A3-1Azimuthally Perturbed Feed for Compensation of Rotational Asymmetry Excitation in Spiral Array Radial Line Slot Antennas
Hideki Ueda, Jiro Hirokawa, Makoto Ando, Matteo Albani,
3A3-2A Center-Feed Transverse Slot Pair Array Realized on the Post-Wall Waveguide
Jae-Ho Lee, Takuichi Hirano, Jiro Hirokawa, Makoto Ando,
3A3-3Analysis of an Aperture-Coupled Microstrip Patch Antenna having an Asymmetric Cross Slot
Sang-Ho Lim, Chae-Hyun Jung, Noh-Hoon Myung,
3A3-4Bandwidth Characteristics of Loop-slot AMC with Dielectric Layer
Xiaojiao TANG, Yuki KAWAKAMI, Toshikazu HORI, Mitoshi FUJIMOTO, Ryo YAMAGUCHI, Keizo CHO,
3A3-5Slot coupling control for a novel edge slot array fed by a rectangular single-ridged waveguide
Ryuta Kawase, Yuichi Kimura, Misao Haneishi, Naohisa Goto,