International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation ISAP 2008

number title/author
3B10-1Enhanced Interaction of Plasmonic Nanocylinders and Other Cylindrical Structures
Guangyuan Si, Haoyuan She, Jinghua Teng, Aaron Danner,
3B10-2On Approximation for Spectral Expression of Scattered Field from A Thick Half-Plate
Mayumi NAKAGAWA, Hironori FUJII, Kazunori UCHIDA,
3B10-3Dispersive Diffraction in a Two-Dimensional Hexagonal Transmission Lattice
B. Osting, H. S. Bhat,
3B10-4RCS Measurement and PO Simulation of a Scale Model Rocket
Hiroshi Okada, Yousuke Tajima, Naobumi Michishita, Yoshihide Yamada,