International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation ISAP 2008

number title/author
2B05-1Parallelising Hybrid FEM / MoM Solutions in FEKO Suite 5.4
E.H Burger, M. Bingle, U. Jakobus,
2B05-2Efficient Implementation of Inner-Outer Flexible GMRES Using the Fast Multipole Method
Hidetoshi Chiba, Kazushi Nishizawa, Hiroaki Miyashita, Yoshihiko Konishi,
2B05-3Effective segmentation in Multiport Network Model method for analysis of planar antennas with thin slots
Alois Holub, Milan Polivka,
2B05-4Variational Expressions of Capacitance of An Annular Ring on A Dielectric Substrate
Y.Takeoka, N.Ishimaru, K.Wakino, Y.-D.Lin, C.-W.Kuo, T.Kitazawa,
2B05-5A consideration of boundary treatment between dispersive material and free space in RC-FDTD method
Takuji Arima, Toru Uno,