The 2010 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications

number title/author
A3L-B1GPGPU Accelerated Scene Segmentation Using Nonparametric Clustering
Balazs Varga, Kristof Karacs,
A3L-B2Architecture of The Next Generation Real Time CNN Processor: RTCNNP-v2
Evren Cesur, Nerhun Yildiz, Vedat Tavsanogluy,
A3L-B3Hardware-Software Co-design of Nonlinear Active Wave Generator with Microblaze Soft Core Processor
Selman Ergunay, Ramazan Yeniceri, Mustak E. Yalcn,
A3L-B4Standard C++ Compiling to GPU with Lambda Functions
Adam Rak, Gergely Feldhoffer, Gergely Balazs Soos, Gyorgy Cserey,