The 16th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS2014)

number title/author
TS7-1An On-line Anomaly Detection Method Based on LMS algorithm
Ziyu Wang, Jiahai Yang, Fuliang Li,
TS7-2Mobile Network Configuration for Large-scale Multimedia Delivery on a Single WLAN
Huigwang Je, Dongwoo Kwon, Hyeonwoo Kim, Hongtaek Ju,
TS7-3Enhancing OpenFlow Actions to Offload Packet-In Processing
Hamid Farhadi, Akihiro Nakao, Ping Du,
TS7-4A Context-Aware Content Delivery Framework for QoS in Mobile Cloud
Rim Haw, Md Golam Rabiul Alam, Choong Seon Hong,