講演名 2015-03-04
A Multi-Party Optimistic Certified Email Protocol Using Verifiably Encrypted Signature Scheme For Line Topology
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抄録(英) While many two-party fair exchange protocols have been proposed, more than three-party fair exchange protocol is required depending on a type of applications. Asokan et al. have proposed a multi-party fair exchange protocol for mesh topology. This scheme can be adapted to all kinds of topologies but requires much communication costs, which is 4n(n - 1) passes in the all n-participators honest case and 8n^2 - n - 10 passes in the worst case. In previous works, more efficient and multi-functional schemes specialized for a kind of topologies have been proposed but most of these are for ring topology and star topology. Zhou et al. have proposed an efficient multi-party contract signing protocol for line topology. It is shown the two protocols such that a simple protocol which is completed with 4(n - 1) passes in the all honest case and 5n - 3 passes in the worst case and an optimized protocol which is completed with 3(n - 1) passes in the all honest case and 4n - 2 passes in the worst. This result means that a fair exchange protocol for line topology is efficient in a number of communications nevertheless a certified email protocol specialized for line topology has not been proposed. That is, a certified email protocol run on line topology is only a protocol for mesh proposed by Asokan et al. adapted to line topology, therefore there is large room for reducing a number of communications by specializing for a certified email protocol. In this paper, we propose a multi-party certified email protocol for line topology. The proposed protocol has such basic properties of certified email as fairness, non-repudiation, trusted third party invisibility and timeliness, as same as the previous works. Our scheme is completed with 4(n - 1) passes in the all n-participators honest case and 5n - 3 passes in the worst. The communication cost is less than the Asokan et al.'s scheme with 4n(n - 1) passes even if the all w-participators are honest.
キーワード(英) fair exchange / certified email / verifiably encrypted signature scheme / multi-party protocol
資料番号 ICSS2014-86

研究会 ICSS
開催期間 2015/2/24(から1日開催)

申込み研究会 Information and Communication System Security (ICSS)
本文の言語 ENG
タイトル(英) A Multi-Party Optimistic Certified Email Protocol Using Verifiably Encrypted Signature Scheme For Line Topology
キーワード(1)(和/英) / fair exchange
第 1 著者 氏名(和/英) / Hitoshi MIYAZAKI
第 1 著者 所属(和/英)
Nagoya Institute of Technology
発表年月日 2015-03-04
資料番号 ICSS2014-86
巻番号(vol) vol.114
号番号(no) 489
ページ範囲 pp.-
ページ数 6