Presentation 2011-06-07
Ultrahigh-Speed Commercial Detection and its Application to Knowledge Discovery
Xiaomeng WU, Shin'ichi SATOH,
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Abstract(in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Abstract(in English) The considerable rise of computer storage capacity in recent years has enabled the accumulation and utilization of large-scale broadcast videos for content owners, publishers, and distributors. Among various categories of broadcast videos, commercial films (CFs) are holding 20% of the broadcasting hours of Japanese terrestrial broadcasters. A recent research domain known as CF detection, which aims at effective and efficient detection and identification of CFs from the vast amounts of cumulative broadcast videos, has emerged largely in response to the demand of broadcast media analysis and market research. This study proposes a dual-stage temporal recurrence hashing algorithm for fully unsupervised and ultrahigh-speed CF mining form a large-scale broadcast video archive. The approach detected CFs from a 1-month stream in less than 42 minutes, which was ten times faster than those in related studies, with a 98.1% sequence-level and a 97.4% frame-level accuracy. We show a promising application of CF detection here, which visualizes the chronological distribution of the massive amount of CFs and enables discovering hidden knowledge on advertising market. The CFs were successfully detected from a 4-month 5-channel broadcast video archive, which dramatically demonstrated the practical utility and the high application potentiality of the approach.
Keyword(in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Keyword(in English) content-based retrieval / data mining / search methods / video signal processing
Paper # DE2011-22,PRMU2011-53
Date of Issue

Conference Information
Committee DE
Conference Date 2011/5/30(1days)
Place (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Place (in English)
Topics (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Topics (in English)
Vice Chair

Paper Information
Registration To Data Engineering (DE)
Language JPN
Title (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Sub Title (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Title (in English) Ultrahigh-Speed Commercial Detection and its Application to Knowledge Discovery
Sub Title (in English)
Keyword(1) content-based retrieval
Keyword(2) data mining
Keyword(3) search methods
Keyword(4) video signal processing
1st Author's Name Xiaomeng WU
1st Author's Affiliation National Institute of Informatics()
2nd Author's Name Shin'ichi SATOH
2nd Author's Affiliation National Institute of Informatics
Date 2011-06-07
Paper # DE2011-22,PRMU2011-53
Volume (vol) vol.111
Number (no) 76
Page pp.pp.-
#Pages 6
Date of Issue