講演名 2017-03-07
村田 智也(東工大), 鈴木 大慈(東工大),
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抄録(和) We develop a new stochastic gradient method for solving convex regularized empirical risk minimization problem in mini-batch settings. The core of our proposed method is incorporation of our new technique ``double acceleration'' and variance reduction technique. We theoretically analyze our proposed method, and show that our method much improves the mini-batch efficiency of previous accelerated stochastic methods, and essentially only needs size $sqrt{n}$ mini-batches for achieving the optimal iteration complexities for both non-strongly and strongly convex objectives, where $n$ is the training set size. Furthermore, we show that even in non-mini-batch settings, our method still improves the best known convergence rate for non-strongly convex objectives, and achieves the one for strongly convex objectives.
抄録(英) We develop a new stochastic gradient method for solving convex regularized empirical risk minimization problem in mini-batch settings. The core of our proposed method is incorporation of our new technique ``double acceleration'' and variance reduction technique. We theoretically analyze our proposed method, and show that our method much improves the mini-batch efficiency of previous accelerated stochastic methods, and essentially only needs size $sqrt{n}$ mini-batches for achieving the optimal iteration complexities for both non-strongly and strongly convex objectives, where $n$ is the training set size. Furthermore, we show that even in non-mini-batch settings, our method still improves the best known convergence rate for non-strongly convex objectives, and achieves the one for strongly convex objectives.
キーワード(和) 凸最適化 / 経験誤差最小化 / 確率的最適化 / 分散縮小 / 二重加速 / ミニバッチ法
キーワード(英) convex optimizaition / empirical risk minimization / stochastic optimization / variance reduction / double acceleration / mini-batch method
資料番号 IBISML2016-106
発行日 2017-02-27 (IBISML)

開催期間 2017/3/6(から2日開催)
開催地(和) 東京工業大学
開催地(英) Tokyo Institute of Technology
テーマ(和) 統計数理,機械学習,データマイニング,一般
テーマ(英) Statistical Mathematics, Machine Learning, Data Mining, etc.
委員長氏名(和) 福水 健次(統計数理研)
委員長氏名(英) Kenji Fukumizu(ISM)
副委員長氏名(和) 杉山 将(東大) / 鹿島 久嗣(京大)
副委員長氏名(英) Masashi Sugiyama(Univ. of Tokyo) / Hisashi Kashima(Kyoto Univ.)
幹事氏名(和) 津田 宏治(東大) / 竹内 一郎(名工大)
幹事氏名(英) Koji Tsuda(Univ. of Tokyo) / Ichiro Takeuchi(Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)
幹事補佐氏名(和) 神嶌 敏弘(産総研) / 岩田 具治(NTT)
幹事補佐氏名(英) Toshihiro Kamishima(AIST) / Tomoharu Iwata(NTT)

申込み研究会 Technical Committee on Infomation-Based Induction Sciences and Machine Learning
タイトル(和) 正則化項付き経験誤差最小化に対する二重加速確率的分散縮小勾配法
タイトル(英) Doubly Accelerated Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient Method for Regularized Empirical Risk Minimization
キーワード(1)(和/英) 凸最適化 / convex optimizaition
キーワード(2)(和/英) 経験誤差最小化 / empirical risk minimization
キーワード(3)(和/英) 確率的最適化 / stochastic optimization
キーワード(4)(和/英) 分散縮小 / variance reduction
キーワード(5)(和/英) 二重加速 / double acceleration
キーワード(6)(和/英) ミニバッチ法 / mini-batch method
第 1 著者 氏名(和/英) 村田 智也 / Tomoya Murata
第 1 著者 所属(和/英) 東京工業大学(略称:東工大)
Tokyo Institute of Technology(略称:Tokyo Tech)
第 2 著者 氏名(和/英) 鈴木 大慈 / Taiji Suzuki
第 2 著者 所属(和/英) 東京工業大学(略称:東工大)
Tokyo Institute of Technology(略称:Tokyo Tech)
発表年月日 2017-03-07
資料番号 IBISML2016-106
巻番号(vol) vol.116
号番号(no) IBISML-500
ページ範囲 pp.49-56(IBISML),
ページ数 8
発行日 2017-02-27 (IBISML)