講演名 2016-03-03
Detection and Control of DNS-based Botnet Communications by using SDN-Ryu Solution
Sebastian Li(東工大), Yong Jin(東工大), Katsuyoshi Iida(東工大),
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抄録(和) Domain Name System (DNS) is the most widely used protocol in the Internet for domain name Resolution. Since DNS provides many fundamental features Internet users would be strenuous without DNS. Recently, there are reports indicating malicious use of DNS to perform Botnet communications. However, since DNS traffic cannot be simply blocked due to its indispensability in the Internet. As such, we would like to propose a method on how to detect and control DNS based botnet communications by monitoring direct outbound DNS queries using OpenFlow Technology. We also constructed a local experimental network and evaluated the prototype system and confirmed that the proposed method worked as we expected. By using our proposed method, it is possible to detect and control some DNS based botnet based communications especially that uses direct outbound DNS traffic.
抄録(英) Domain Name System (DNS) is the most widely used protocol in the Internet for domain name Resolution. Since DNS provides many fundamental features Internet users would be strenuous without DNS. Recently, there are reports indicating malicious use of DNS to perform Botnet communications. However, since DNS traffic cannot be simply blocked due to its indispensability in the Internet. As such, we would like to propose a method on how to detect and control DNS based botnet communications by monitoring direct outbound DNS queries using OpenFlow Technology. We also constructed a local experimental network and evaluated the prototype system and confirmed that the proposed method worked as we expected. By using our proposed method, it is possible to detect and control some DNS based botnet based communications especially that uses direct outbound DNS traffic.
キーワード(和) Botnet / DNS Based Botnet Communication / SDN / Ryu
キーワード(英) Botnet / DNS Based Botnet Communication / SDN / Ryu
資料番号 SITE2015-61,IA2015-93
発行日 2016-02-25 (SITE, IA)

開催期間 2016/3/3(から2日開催)
開催地(和) 虹の松原ホテル (佐賀県唐津市)
開催地(英) Nijino-Matsubara Hotel (Karatsu-shi, Saga-prefecture)
テーマ(和) インターネットと情報倫理教育、一般
テーマ(英) Internet and Information Ethics Education, etc.
委員長氏名(和) 吉田 健一(筑波大) / 吉開 範章(日大)
委員長氏名(英) Ken-ichi Yoshida(Univ. of Tsukuba) / Noriaki Yoshikai(Nihon Univ.)
副委員長氏名(和) 大崎 博之(関西学院大) / 地引 昌弘(NICT) / 中村 豊(九工大) / 岡田 仁志(NII) / 森住 哲也(ネッツエスアイ東洋)
副委員長氏名(英) Hiroyuki Osaki(Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) / Masahiro Jibiki(NICT) / Yutaka Nakamura(Kyushu Inst. of Tech.) / Hitoshi Okada(NII) / Tetsuya Morizumi(Toyo Networks & System Integration)
幹事氏名(和) 松浦 知史(東工大) / 義久 智樹(阪大) / 宮田 純子(神奈川大) / 多川 孝央(九大)
幹事氏名(英) Satoshi Matsuura(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) / Tomoki Yoshihisa(Osaka Univ.) / Sumiko Miyama(Kanagawa Univ.) / Takahiro Tagawa(Kyushu Univ.)
幹事補佐氏名(和) 屏 雄一郎(KDDI研) / 山本 寛(立命館大) / 渡辺 俊貴(NEC) / 芳賀 高洋(岐阜聖徳学園大)
幹事補佐氏名(英) Yuichiro Hei(KDDI R&D Labs.) / Hiroshi Yamamoto(Ritsumeikan Univ.) / Toshiki Watanabe(NEC) / Takahiro Haga(Gifu Shotoku Gakuen Univ.)

申込み研究会 Technical Committee on Internet Architecture / Technical Committee on Social Implications of Technology and Information Ethics / Special Interest Group on Internet and Operation Technology
本文の言語 ENG
タイトル(英) Detection and Control of DNS-based Botnet Communications by using SDN-Ryu Solution
キーワード(1)(和/英) Botnet / Botnet
キーワード(2)(和/英) DNS Based Botnet Communication / DNS Based Botnet Communication
キーワード(3)(和/英) SDN / SDN
キーワード(4)(和/英) Ryu / Ryu
第 1 著者 氏名(和/英) Sebastian Li / Sebastian Li
第 1 著者 所属(和/英) Tokyo Institute of Technology(略称:東工大)
Tokyo Institute of Technology(略称:Tokyo Tech)
第 2 著者 氏名(和/英) Yong Jin / Yong Jin
第 2 著者 所属(和/英) Tokyo Institute of Technology(略称:東工大)
Tokyo Institute of Technology(略称:Tokyo Tech)
第 3 著者 氏名(和/英) Katsuyoshi Iida / Katsuyoshi Iida
第 3 著者 所属(和/英) Tokyo Institute of Technology(略称:東工大)
Tokyo Institute of Technology(略称:Tokyo Tech)
発表年月日 2016-03-03
資料番号 SITE2015-61,IA2015-93
巻番号(vol) vol.115
号番号(no) SITE-481,IA-482
ページ範囲 pp.73-78(SITE), pp.73-78(IA),
ページ数 6
発行日 2016-02-25 (SITE, IA)