講演名 2016-02-22
Image-Related Uses for Roadside Infrastructure based on Wireless Beacons
ザニケエフ マラット(九工大),
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抄録(和) Roadside infrastructure is traditionally assumed to be based on IEEE 802.15 which defines the various opportunistic and cognitive elements necessary for vehicle-specific mobility. However recent advances in wireless technology -- specifically, the fact the Beacons have become highly accessible both on commodity devices and in readily available software -- opens the path towards minimizing the size of roadside infrastructure while also simplifying individual nodes. This paper discusses a case when relatively fewer roadside network nodes are put to the task of having to collect image data from a much larger number of roadside cameras. Collection is happening via vehicles which are used as sync packets between camera and network nodes. Communication is happening solely via beacons using beacon stuffing when necessary. Special attention is paid to short-term communication and contention when wireless density is high.
抄録(英) Roadside infrastructure is traditionally assumed to be based on IEEE 802.15 which defines the various opportunistic and cognitive elements necessary for vehicle-specific mobility. However recent advances in wireless technology -- specifically, the fact the Beacons have become highly accessible both on commodity devices and in readily available software -- opens the path towards minimizing the size of roadside infrastructure while also simplifying individual nodes. This paper discusses a case when relatively fewer roadside network nodes are put to the task of having to collect image data from a much larger number of roadside cameras. Collection is happening via vehicles which are used as sync packets between camera and network nodes. Communication is happening solely via beacons using beacon stuffing when necessary. Special attention is paid to short-term communication and contention when wireless density is high.
キーワード(和) beacons / roadside infrastructure / image communications / video streaming / vehicular network
キーワード(英) beacons / roadside infrastructure / image communications / video streaming / vehicular network
資料番号 ITS2015-57,IE2015-99
発行日 2016-02-15 (ITS, IE)

開催期間 2016/2/22(から2日開催)
開催地(和) 北海道大学
開催地(英) Hokkaido Univ.
テーマ(和) 画像処理および一般
委員長氏名(和) 永長 知孝(関東学院大) / 高村 誠之(NTT) / 高橋 時市郎(東京電機大) / 佐藤 雅之(北九州市大) / 村上 和人(愛知県立大) / 宮下 英一(NHK) / 南 浩次(三菱電機)
委員長氏名(英) Tomotaka Nagaosa(Kanto Gakuin Univ.) / Seishi Takamura(NTT) / Tokiichiro Takahashi(TDU) / Masayuki Sato(Univ. of Kitakyushu) / Kazuhito Murakami(Aichi Prefectural Univ.) / Eiichi Miyashita(NHK) / Koji Minami(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
副委員長氏名(和) 藤井 雅弘(宇都宮大) / 和田 友孝(関西大) / 浜本 隆之(東京理科大) / 市ヶ谷 敦郎(NHK) / / / 長谷山 美紀(北大)
副委員長氏名(英) Masahiro Fujii(Utsunomiya Univ.) / Tomotaka Wada(Kansai Univ.) / Takayuki Hamamoto(Tokyo Univ. of Science) / Atsuro Ichigaya(NHK) / / / Miki Haseyama(Hokkaido Univ.)
幹事氏名(和) 橋本 尚久(産総研) / 羽多野 裕之(宇都宮大) / 坂東 幸浩(NTT) / 宮田 高道(千葉工大) / 名手 久貴(東京工芸大) / Roberto Lopez-Gulliver(NICT) / 越智 大介(NTT) / 望月 貴裕(NHK) / 木下 延博(NHK) / 大槻 一博(NHK)
幹事氏名(英) Naohisa Hashimoto(AIST) / Hiroyuki Hatano(Utsunomiya Univ.) / Yukihiro Bandoh(NTT) / Takamichi Miyata(Chiba Inst. of Tech.) / Hisaki Nate(Tokyo Polytechnic Univ.) / Roberto Lopez-Gulliver(NICT) / Daisuke Ochi(NTT) / Takahiro Mochizuki(NHK) / Nobuhiro Kinoshita(NHK) / Kazuhiro Otsuki(NHK)
幹事補佐氏名(和) 大野 光平(明大) / 間邊 哲也(埼玉大) / 高橋 桂太(名大) / 河村 圭(KDDI研)
幹事補佐氏名(英) Kohei Ohno(Meiji Univ.) / Tetsuya Manabe(Saitama Univ.) / Keita Takahashi(Nagoya Univ.) / Kei Kawamura(KDDI R&D Labs.)

申込み研究会 Technical Committee on Intelligent Transport Systems Technology / Technical Committee on Image Engineering / Technical Group on Artistic Image Technology / Technical Group on Human Information / Technical Group on Media Engineering / Technical Group on Multi-media Storage / Technical Group on Consumer Electronics
本文の言語 ENG
タイトル(英) Image-Related Uses for Roadside Infrastructure based on Wireless Beacons
キーワード(1)(和/英) beacons / beacons
キーワード(2)(和/英) roadside infrastructure / roadside infrastructure
キーワード(3)(和/英) image communications / image communications
キーワード(4)(和/英) video streaming / video streaming
キーワード(5)(和/英) vehicular network / vehicular network
第 1 著者 氏名(和/英) ザニケエフ マラット / Marat Zhanikeev
第 1 著者 所属(和/英) 九州工業大学(略称:九工大)
Kyushu Institute of Technology(略称:Kyutech)
発表年月日 2016-02-22
資料番号 ITS2015-57,IE2015-99
巻番号(vol) vol.115
号番号(no) ITS-458,IE-459
ページ範囲 pp.7-10(ITS), pp.7-10(IE),
ページ数 4
発行日 2016-02-15 (ITS, IE)