講演名 2015-11-12
Collecting and organizing information in disaster acute phase by volunteers
佐藤 大(東北大),
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抄録(和) Most of disaster information support activities by volunteers are performed on the web. In such cases, it seems important for activating other support groups in affected areas to collect, organize, and re-transmit information in disaster acute phase, when a lot of information is needed. Furthermore, offline information is useful when it is put on the web. A classification of information needs in each phase of disaster are introduced, styles of information support for efficient volunteer activities are discussed. There is a lack of evaluation criteria for effectiveness of disaster supporting activities.
抄録(英) Most of disaster information support activities by volunteers are performed on the web. In such cases, it seems important for activating other support groups in affected areas to collect, organize, and re-transmit information in disaster acute phase, when a lot of information is needed. Furthermore, offline information is useful when it is put on the web. A classification of information needs in each phase of disaster are introduced, styles of information support for efficient volunteer activities are discussed. There is a lack of evaluation criteria for effectiveness of disaster supporting activities.
キーワード(英) Disaster Acute PhaseInformation SupportVolunteer
資料番号 IA2015-41
発行日 2015-11-05 (IA)

研究会 IA
開催期間 2015/11/12(から2日開催)
開催地(和) 成田ビューホテル
テーマ(和) IA2015 - Workshop on Internet Architecture and Applications 2015 (日本学術振興会 インターネット技術第163委員会 共催)
テーマ(英) IA2015 - Workshop on Internet Architecture and Applications 2015, Co-hosted with ITRC meet38 as Asia Internet Technology Joint Symposium
委員長氏名(和) 吉田 健一(筑波大)
委員長氏名(英) Ken-ichi Yoshida(Univ. of Tsukuba)
副委員長氏名(和) 大崎 博之(関西学院大) / 地引 昌弘(NICT) / 中村 豊(九工大)
副委員長氏名(英) Hiroyuki Osaki(Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) / Masahiro Jibiki(NICT) / Yutaka Nakamura(Kyushu Inst. of Tech.)
幹事氏名(和) 松浦 知史(東工大) / 義久 智樹(阪大)
幹事氏名(英) Satoshi Matsuura(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) / Tomoki Yoshihisa(Osaka Univ.)
幹事補佐氏名(和) 屏 雄一郎(KDDI研) / 山本 寛(立命館大) / 渡辺 俊貴(NEC)
幹事補佐氏名(英) Yuichiro Hei(KDDI R&D Labs.) / Hiroshi Yamamoto(Ritsumeikan Univ.) / Toshiki Watanabe(NEC)

申込み研究会 Technical Committee on Internet Architecture
本文の言語 ENG
タイトル(英) Collecting and organizing information in disaster acute phase by volunteers
キーワード(1)(和/英) / Disaster Acute PhaseInformation SupportVolunteer
第 1 著者 氏名(和/英) 佐藤 大 / Dai Sato
第 1 著者 所属(和/英) 東北大学(略称:東北大)
Tohoku University Hospital(略称:Tohoku Univ.)
発表年月日 2015-11-12
資料番号 IA2015-41
巻番号(vol) vol.115
号番号(no) IA-307
ページ範囲 pp.23-26(IA),
ページ数 4
発行日 2015-11-05 (IA)