講演名 2015-06-26
[Poster Presentation] EMC activities in Thailand
Werachet Khan-ngern(KMITL),
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抄録(和) Electromagnetic compatibility activities in Thailand are introduced the EMC overview focusing on the university research and teaching, EMC conference in the past, EMC standard in Thailand and EMC testing facilities. EMC research areas are described based on the related topic such as telecommunication, power electronics, high voltage, power system and etc. EMC subject has been taught as a selective subject in the final year of undergraduate level. The EMC laboratory is preliminary introduced in the third year. The EMC subject in master degree level is one of selective subject. Two international EMC conference was in 2002 and 2005 respectively with the support from JICA and Japanese expert. CISPR 15 is one of the EMC mandatory standard in the industry while other EMC standards are on voluntary standards. Two main EMC testing facilities are serviced for Thai industry on EMC issues. PTEC under Ministry of Science and Electrical and Electronic Institute (EEI) under the umbrella of Ministry of Industry are introduced.
抄録(英) Electromagnetic compatibility activities in Thailand are introduced the EMC overview focusing on the university research and teaching, EMC conference in the past, EMC standard in Thailand and EMC testing facilities. EMC research areas are described based on the related topic such as telecommunication, power electronics, high voltage, power system and etc. EMC subject has been taught as a selective subject in the final year of undergraduate level. The EMC laboratory is preliminary introduced in the third year. The EMC subject in master degree level is one of selective subject. Two international EMC conference was in 2002 and 2005 respectively with the support from JICA and Japanese expert. CISPR 15 is one of the EMC mandatory standard in the industry while other EMC standards are on voluntary standards. Two main EMC testing facilities are serviced for Thai industry on EMC issues. PTEC under Ministry of Science and Electrical and Electronic Institute (EEI) under the umbrella of Ministry of Industry are introduced.
キーワード(和) EMC / Thailand
キーワード(英) EMC / Thailand
資料番号 EMCJ2015-27
発行日 2015-06-18 (EMCJ)

開催期間 2015/6/25(から2日開催)
開催地(和) KMITL (タイ)
開催地(英) KMITL, Thailand
テーマ(和) EMC Joint Workshop, 2015, Bangkok
テーマ(英) EMC Joint Workshop, 2015, Bangkok
委員長氏名(和) 曽根 秀昭(東北大) / 川又 憲(東北学院大) / 山口 正洋(東北大)
委員長氏名(英) Hideaki Sone(Tohoku Univ.) / Ken Kawamata(Tohoku-gakuin Univ.) / Masahiro Yamaguchi(Tohoku Univ.)
副委員長氏名(和) 和田 修己(京大)
副委員長氏名(英) Osami Wada(Kyoto Univ.)
幹事氏名(和) 豊田 啓孝(岡山大) / 大坂 英樹(日立) / 牛尾 知雄(阪大) / 関口 秀紀(海技研) / 桜田 新哉(東芝) / 小原 学(明治大)
幹事氏名(英) Yoshitaka Toyota(Okayama Univ.) / Hideki Osaka(Hitachi) / Tomoo Ushio(Osaka Univ.) / Hidenori Sekiguchi(NMRI) / Shinya Sakurada(Toshiba Co.) / Gaku Obara(Meji Univ.)
幹事補佐氏名(和) 高橋 篤弘(豊田中研) / 萱野 良樹(秋田大) / 林 優一(東北大) / 山田 啓壽(東芝)
幹事補佐氏名(英) Atsuhiro Takahashi(Toyota Central R&D Labs.) / Yoshiki Kayano(Akita Univ.) / Yu-ichi Hayashi(Tohoku Univ.) / Keiju Yamada(Toshiba Co.)

申込み研究会 Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility / Technical Meeting on Electromagnetic Compatibility / Technical Meeting on Magnetics
本文の言語 ENG
タイトル(英) [Poster Presentation] EMC activities in Thailand
キーワード(1)(和/英) EMC / EMC
キーワード(2)(和/英) Thailand / Thailand
第 1 著者 氏名(和/英) Werachet Khan-ngern / Werachet Khan-ngern
第 1 著者 所属(和/英) King's Mongkut Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailan(略称:KMITL)
King's Mongkut Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailan(略称:KMITL)
発表年月日 2015-06-26
資料番号 EMCJ2015-27
巻番号(vol) vol.115
号番号(no) EMCJ-114
ページ範囲 pp.53-53(EMCJ),
ページ数 1
発行日 2015-06-18 (EMCJ)