講演名 2024-03-15
Study of Sperm Quality Assessment from Video Data
シジット アディヌグロホ(岡山大学), 中澤 篤志(岡山大学),
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抄録(和) Human sperm quality assessment is necessary for a successful assisted reproduction program. Current assessment still relies on human observation that has subjectivity and variability. To tackle this problem, automated approaches were introduced to increase the test results’ consistency and accuracy. However, previous studies figured out that the goal was still challenging since a single model could only predict single characteristics of sperm quality. This study aimed to perform a multi-variables joint estimation in sperm quality via a single model that has never been done before. The model takes a stack of optical flow images and a grayscale image to be processed by motion and appearance streams. The outputs from each stream are combined and further processed by a regressor to estimate the concentration, vitality, motility, and morphology. While the proposed work achieves acceptable results for most of the variables, more work should be conducted to increase the accuracy.
抄録(英) Human sperm quality assessment is necessary for a successful assisted reproduction program. Current assessment still relies on human observation that has subjectivity and variability. To tackle this problem, automated approaches were introduced to increase the test results’ consistency and accuracy. However, previous studies figured out that the goal was still challenging since a single model could only predict single characteristics of sperm quality. This study aimed to perform a multi-variables joint estimation in sperm quality via a single model that has never been done before. The model takes a stack of optical flow images and a grayscale image to be processed by motion and appearance streams. The outputs from each stream are combined and further processed by a regressor to estimate the concentration, vitality, motility, and morphology. While the proposed work achieves acceptable results for most of the variables, more work should be conducted to increase the accuracy.
キーワード(英) sperm analysisdeep neural networkoptical flowMotionFlow
資料番号 IMQ2023-91,IE2023-146,MVE2023-120
発行日 2024-03-06 (IMQ, IE, MVE)

研究会 IE / MVE / CQ / IMQ
開催期間 2024/3/13(から3日開催)
開催地(和) 沖縄産業支援センター
開催地(英) Okinawa Sangyo Shien Center
テーマ(和) 五感に訴えるオンラインメディアとその評価,および一般(魅力工学研究会協賛)
テーマ(英) Media of five senses, Multimedia, Media experience, Picture codinge, Image media quality, Network,quality and reliability, etc(AC)
委員長氏名(和) 坂東 幸浩(NTT) / 清川 清(奈良先端大) / 平栗 健史(日本工大) / 工藤 博章(名大)
委員長氏名(英) Hiroyuki Bandoh(NTT) / Kiyoshi Kiyokawa(NAIST) / Takefumi Hiraguri(Nippon Inst. of Tech.) / Hiroaki Kudo(Nagoya Univ.)
副委員長氏名(和) 田中 雄一(阪大) / 山崎 俊彦(東大) / 新井田 統(KDDI総合研究所) / 松田 崇弘(都立大) / 長谷川 剛(東北大) / 新井田 統(KDDI総合研究所) / 大橋 剛介(静岡大)
副委員長氏名(英) Yuichi Tanaka(Osaka Univ.) / Toshihiko Yamazaki(Univ. of Tokyo) / Sumaru Niida(KDDI Research) / Takahiro Matsuda(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) / Gou Hasegawa(Tohoku Univ.) / Sumaru Niida(KDDI Research) / Gosuke Ohashi(Shizuka Univ.)
幹事氏名(和) 岩村 俊輔(NHK) / 三柴 数(鳥取大) / 磯山 直也(大妻女子大) / 原 豪紀(大日本印刷) / 後藤 充裕(NTT) / 恵木 則次(NTT) / 菅沼 睦(多摩大) / 津川 翔(筑波大) / 塚田 正人(筑波大) / 土田 勝(NTT)
幹事氏名(英) Shunsuke Iwamura(NHK) / Kazu Mishiba(Tottori Univ.) / Naoya Isoyama(Otsuma Women's Univ.) / Takenori Hara(DNP) / Mitsuhiro Goto(NTT) / Noritsugu Egi(NTT) / Mutsumi Suganuma(Tama Univ.) / Shou Tsugawa(Tsukuba Univ.) / Masato Tsukada(Univ. of Tsukuba) / Masaru Tsuchida(NTT)
幹事補佐氏名(和) 雨車 和憲(工学院大) / 木谷 佳隆(KDDI総合研究所) / 宍戸 英彦(筑波大) / 中澤 篤志(京大) / 東條 直也(KDDI総合研究所) / 萩山 直紀(NTT) / 畑田 裕二(東大) / 中村 遼(福岡大) / 中平 俊朗(NTT) / 塚常 健太(岡山理科大) / 今井 國治(名大) / 山添 崇(成蹊大)
幹事補佐氏名(英) Kazunori Uruma(Kogakuin Univ.) / Shinobu Kudo(KDDI Research) / Hidehiko Shishido(Univ. of Tsukuba) / Atsushi Nakazawa(Kyoto Univ.) / Naoya Tojo(KDDI Research) / Naoki Hagiyama(NTT) / Yuji Tatada(Univ. of Tokyo) / Ryo Nakamura(Fukuoka Univ.) / Toshiro Nakahira(NTT) / Kenta Tsukatsune(Okayama Univ. of Science) / Kuniharu Imai(Nagoya Univ.) / Takashi Yamazoe(Seikei Univ.)

申込み研究会 Technical Committee on Image Engineering / Technical Committee on Media Experience and Virtual Environment / Technical Committee on Communication Quality / Technical Committee on Image Media Quality
本文の言語 ENG
タイトル(英) Study of Sperm Quality Assessment from Video Data
キーワード(1)(和/英) / sperm analysisdeep neural networkoptical flowMotionFlow
第 1 著者 氏名(和/英) シジット アディヌグロホ / Sigit Adinugroho
第 1 著者 所属(和/英) 岡山大学(略称:岡山大学)
Okayama University(略称:Okayama University)
第 2 著者 氏名(和/英) 中澤 篤志 / Atsushi Nakazawa
第 2 著者 所属(和/英) 岡山大学(略称:岡山大学)
Okayama University(略称:Okayama University)
発表年月日 2024-03-15
資料番号 IMQ2023-91,IE2023-146,MVE2023-120
巻番号(vol) vol.123
号番号(no) IMQ-430,IE-432,MVE-433
ページ範囲 pp.420-424(IMQ), pp.420-424(IE), pp.420-424(MVE),
ページ数 5
発行日 2024-03-06 (IMQ, IE, MVE)