Presentation 2023-06-20
[Invited Talk] Cybersecurity education and the role of universities
Hiroshi Koide,
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Abstract(in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Abstract(in English) In this presentation, the speaker will first discuss his experiences in the cybersecurity human resource development project for students (SECCON), which he has been conducting since 2012, and the cybersecurity education for working professionals (ProSec-IT/SECKUN), which he has been conducting since 2018. The speakers will discuss the cybersecurity education that should be provided at universities and other higher education institutions. First, we overview the actual situation of cybersecurity human resource development in Japan. The human resources produced by these efforts in Japan have high basic skills, but not enough so-called top-level human resources who can produce new technologies or create new services by making full use of existing technologies. The challenge for the future is to develop human resources with basic skills to the top level by raising them to the next level. It is the role of universities to provide students and adults with opportunities to do so. Education on cybersecurity, which needs to be updated with the latest information and directly affects people's business, cannot be provided by universities alone. It is not possible for universities to provide cybersecurity education alone, but it is necessary to collaborate with companies. In addition, it is necessary to clarify the position of cybersecurity as an information technology, including information technology elements and other elements, and to convey the interest of cybersecurity that attracts people who want to learn cybersecurity. The discussion will be focused on what universities should do in order to convey the interest of cybersecurity and its usefulness in contributing to the information society to those who are interested in learning cybersecurity.
Keyword(in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Keyword(in English) Cybersecurity / Cybersecurity education / university education / education for working professionals
Paper # IA2023-6,ICSS2023-6
Date of Issue 2023-06-13 (IA, ICSS)

Conference Information
Committee IA / ICSS
Conference Date 2023/6/20(2days)
Place (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Place (in English) Saga Univ.
Topics (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Topics (in English) Internet Security, etc.
Chair Toyokazu Akiyama(Kyoto Sangyo Univ.) / Katsunari Yoshioka(Yokohama National Univ.)
Vice Chair Yusuke Sakumoto(Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) / Toshiki Watanabe(NEC) / Yuichiro Hei(KDDI) / Takahiro Kasama(NICT) / Akira Yamada(KDDI labs.)
Secretary Yusuke Sakumoto(Osaka Univ.) / Toshiki Watanabe(Kogakuin Univ.) / Yuichiro Hei(Kyushu Inst. of Tech.) / Takahiro Kasama(Okayama Univ.) / Akira Yamada(Mitsubishi Electric)
Assistant Daisuke Kotani(Kyoto Univ.) / Ryo Nakamura(Fukuoka Univ.) / Ryo Nakamura(Univ. of Tokyo) / Takeshi Sugawara(Univ. of Electro-Comm.) / Yo Kanemoto(NTT)

Paper Information
Registration To Technical Committee on Internet Architecture / Technical Committee on Information and Communication System Security
Language JPN
Title (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Sub Title (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Title (in English) [Invited Talk] Cybersecurity education and the role of universities
Sub Title (in English)
Keyword(1) Cybersecurity
Keyword(2) Cybersecurity education
Keyword(3) university education
Keyword(4) education for working professionals
1st Author's Name Hiroshi Koide
1st Author's Affiliation Kyushu University(Kyushu Univ.)
Date 2023-06-20
Paper # IA2023-6,ICSS2023-6
Volume (vol) vol.123
Number (no) IA-85,ICSS-86
Page pp.pp.31-31(IA), pp.31-31(ICSS),
#Pages 1
Date of Issue 2023-06-13 (IA, ICSS)