Presentation 2021-03-04
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Abstract(in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Abstract(in English) In the machine learning tasks where the training data is scarce, domain adaptation (DA) is a promising methodology that exploits the samples of relevant but different probability distributions (the source domains) in addition to the sample of the distribution for which one wants to eventually make inferences (the target domain). To justify DA methods, some assumption on the relations between the source and the target distributions (the transfer assumption) has to be postulated. Therefore, the central question in considering DA methods is "under what transfer assumptions, is the DA possible?" Most of the existing DA methods assume parametric forms of the distribution shift, that some conditional distributions are identical, or that some discrepancy between the source distribution and the target distribution is small in some measure. However, these assumptions may preclude the possibility of knowledge transfer among intricately shifted distributions or apparently very different distributions. In this presentation, as a candidate transfer assumption that may alleviate such a limitation, I consider a meta-distributional transfer assumption. Concretely, we assume that the source domains and the target domains have a shared structural equation model (a statistical causal model) behind the data distributions, and we propose a DA method called the causal mechanism transfer (CMT) that can be used in this scenario. In CMT, we pose the transfer assumption on the data-generating processes, instead of the data distributions that result from them. As a result, the assumption enables statistically justified DA among apparently very different data distributions. In this presentation, I will mainly introduce our recent research on few-shot domain adapting regression, a DA problem setup where we are given a large number of labeled source domain data and few but labeled target domain data, where we proposed a causal mechanism transfer and showed its validity from both theoretical and experimental perspectives.
Keyword(in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Keyword(in English) Domain Adaptation / Structural Causal Model / Nonlinear Independent Component Analysis
Paper # IBISML2020-59
Date of Issue 2021-02-23 (IBISML)

Conference Information
Committee IBISML
Conference Date 2021/3/2(3days)
Place (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Place (in English) Online
Topics (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Topics (in English) Organized and general sessions on machine learning
Chair Ichiro Takeuchi(Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)
Vice Chair Masashi Sugiyama(Univ. of Tokyo) / Koji Tsuda(Univ. of Tokyo)
Secretary Masashi Sugiyama(AIST) / Koji Tsuda(NTT)
Assistant Atsuyoshi Nakamura(Hokkaido Univ.) / Shigeyuki Oba(Miidas)

Paper Information
Registration To Technical Committee on Infomation-Based Induction Sciences and Machine Learning
Language JPN-ONLY
Title (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Sub Title (in Japanese) (See Japanese page)
Title (in English)
Sub Title (in English)
Keyword(1) Domain Adaptation
Keyword(2) Structural Causal Model
Keyword(3) Nonlinear Independent Component Analysis
1st Author's Name
1st Author's Affiliation ()
Date 2021-03-04
Paper # IBISML2020-59
Volume (vol) vol.120
Number (no) IBISML-395
Page pp.pp.78-78(IBISML),
#Pages 1
Date of Issue 2021-02-23 (IBISML)