




An Extention of DynAlloy with Concurrency


Verification of BPEL Workflows Design using Model Checking


An Introduction of A Formal Method in PBL : A Case Report


Static Analysis for k-secrecy against Inference Attacks


ReceiptLog : A Consumer-Oriented Lifelog Service for Storing and Reviewing Daily Receipts


Evaluating Lifelog Common Data Model and Mashup API through Practical Application Development


A Prototype of Comparison Tool for Android Applications Based on Difference of API Calling Sequences


A Tool For Detecting Duplicated Test Code Based On Test Coverage to Assist TDD

坂本 一憲,  和田 卓人,  鷲崎 弘宜,  深澤 良彰,  

Evaluating Habituation Effect on Conversational Voice Control in Home Network System


Finding Code Clones for Refactoring with Clone Metrics : A Case Study of Open Source Software


An Approach to Investigating How a Lack of Software Refactoring Effects Defect Density


Preliminary Assessment of Software Metrics based on Coding Standards Violations




Notice for Photocopying





